Monday, December 05, 2005

-*- pic-cee up again...  
Haiz.. Maybe you haven't noticed.. My pic-cee section has beeen down since quite a while ago... Well... Before the exams, I found out that stupid MyPicGallery had freezed my account and asked me to pay for using their webbie to share my pictures... HMPH! I refuse! Hehe.. Now that it's after exams, I have found a new place for my piccees... Shutterfly!! It rocks! Erm, actually I like MyPicGallery more... But I refuse to pay.. So I shall settle for free Shutterfly! Hehe.. Anyway, most of my pictures that I uploaded onto MyPicGallery are not uploaded on Shutterfly.. Simply because I'm a lazy bum.. So there're only the few piccees.. So ya.. But feel free to view them! Everything is under, well, the everything!! link.. Can also access here: @ Dolphene.Shutterfly!

Enjoy! ;)

pic-cee up again... - 

jazzi craved @ 2:09 AM


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