Friday, November 18, 2005
-*- WoW-ed them quite a bit...
***Warning: Lengthy Post**
For those who don't know, while coming up with our IMC (integrated marketing campaign), my MKT group has changed our name from 3Mers to WoW, correlating to our IMC title.. It's actually Wonders of Command, but we related that to the Wonders of the World.. So we decided to call ourselves WoW! Hehe.. Well, we spent about 3-4 sessions to come up with the main idea behind our campiagn and then spent another few sessions to come up with the other marketing methods.. Well, the other parts were done by the rest of the group. My main contribution is the materializing of the advertisements from the ideas that they came up with.. I'm like the graphics girl in the group. Heh.. They actually call me the PHOTOSHOP MASTER.. Hahaha well, I'm very happy that i can contribute to the project in such an honourable way.. Heh, many thanks to everyone, because I was so discouraged during some periods, when I couldn't find anything to fit into our ads, and they were there.. WOW: I LURVE ALL OF YOU!!! EACH AND EVERYONE!!!! MUACKS!
So anyway, the project ended officially on Wednesday, 16th November 2005 at 7 pm (almost sharp).. Presentation had been at 12nn, so here's a detailed description of what we did for the 2 days before it was time...
T minus 50hours (12nn, Monday):
At 10am Monday morning, met up with Lay to send the all done up posters (that we spent the entire two weeks or so on) to print in A2 size. Went around Bras Brasah to check out the prices for the cheapest and fastest printing.. After almost an hour, decided on one very chic looking shop.. Placed all 7 files with them, told them the quantity and sizes we want (one A2 sized poster for EACH picture, and 3 A3 sized each..) and paid my deposit ($100! $105 upon collection) and went off to pick Winnie up. Off to AMK, to buy food for the rest and have lunch at Carolyn's.... And a whole afternoon of fruitless work (for me) started... They worked so hard I was so guilty that I was just stoning away, because I couldn't come up with anything. Haiz. Each of us did our own stuff, Wei Ling ppt slides, Carol and Lay the plan, Winnie and Su Juan (and me, supposedly) Photoshop.. After hours of coming up with nothing, something came to me, and I did the preparation work, so I will be able to continue when I get home after family dinner. Left Carol's at 7....
T minus 36 hours (12mn, Monday):
Reached home from family dinner to find out that everyone is hard at work at Carol's and no one was going home that night, cept Tng, because she had to.. Started on my Amazon Tree (we were supposed to try to show where we wanna put the advertisements, and the Amazon Tree was supposed to be placed in Dhoby Ghaut, so we must Photoshop the Tree, and photoshop it into a picture, showing the place we will place it) It took me at least 2 whole hours, and I couldn't come up with anything.. Then a picture came into my head and lucky for me, I managed to materialise it! Thank goodness.. At about 3 plus? My tree was complete! All I had to do was to add the signs and place it into the picture of the Dhoby Ghaut NEL Station!

The tree was done from scratch, and the picture had this huge carnation before the tree was placed.
That was done by about 430am, when everyone is still working extremely hard. Winnie Sujuan and Ting Photoshop and Lay and Carol the script for presentation. Me? Once again, I was stuck in the MRT pict.. We're supposed to put in the ads into the train, together with some household stuff to show that Command Adhesive can be placed anywhere. But I just couldn't do it. Finally, at 530am, I decided to send the pict to Winnie to do a bit of stuff for me.. Despite having his own stuff to do, Winnie helped me.. Then i dozed off.. Grrr...
T minus 27hours (9am, Tuesday):
Woken up by Winnie. Had to finish doing up my MRT picture... Finally got it done at 11am... Sent to Carol, who was gonna send everything to the same shop Lay and I went to print..

the floor was done by our amazing mr contractor Winnie Ang...
By this time, Everyone has finished their jobs cept me.. Bleah.. But well, I managed to send it to Carol at 11am.. Poor Carol.
T minus 20hours (4pm, Tuesday):
Went Bras Brasah AGAIN, to collect the A2 and A3 posters... And all those that Carol had left with the shop.... Rushed to school after that..... To meet Uncle Lee, erm, our lecturer (although halfway, we realised that Uncle Lee didn't wanna see us, haha, because we didn't have any problems for our survey part of the project that was completed about a month or so ago.. Shessh that seemed so long ago now...) Then we went to the room in which the presentations will be held, to have dry runs. That's when we realised that the stupid printing shop didn't print one of the ads! 7 ads and they printed only 6!!!! So I had to drive all the way from NUS back to the Bras Brasah Complex to collect!!!
T minus 16hours (8pm, Tuesday):
Got all the prints, together with one new set with our group name. Driving back to NUS with everyone's dinner... After eating, everyone got back to work.. I tried extremely hard to remember all my slides and stuff....
T minus 13hours (11pm, Tueday):
Finally, we had a complete dry run, although everyone was packing up the room when I was doing my part. But all was settled...
T minus 12hours (12mn, Tuesday):
Decided to go to Lay's place to add some spice into my script together.. Spent 3 hours there....
T minus 8hours (4am, Wednesday):
Finally settled down, started on typing out my script... Took two hours... Slept at 6am....
T minus 4hours (8am, The Day):
Woke up and rushed to sch, was late, but it's okay, because we don't have to sit in for other groups.
T minus 90minutes (10.30am, The Day):
Finally gotten EVERYTHING printed, we had to print the slides for the judges.. Headed to biz... Tried to keep a clear head while panicking for the presentation.. Wei Ling seemed so well prepared, whereas I was there trying to remember what I wanna say for each slide.. Visualising all the slides and everything...
T minus 30minutes (11.30, The Day):
Ready and all preped. I was prepared. Sitting in the room, waiting for IT to start. This is IT. "Are you nervous?" Lay asked. Me? I was more excited than nervous. Wanna show everyone our group's baby! I was honoured to be presenting! Can't wait!
And suddenly, this is it. We're the last group and we've started. Wei Ling, standing there in amazingly straight posture, introducing us, the members. Going on going on.. She was pretty good. Zai... And "next, I'll pass on to Jiazi to elaborate on the execution of our marketing campaign".
THIS IS IT!!! I went up, I froze up. Really freezed.. Never once had I kena stage fright. But what a lousy time for the first time! My most amazing project and I just stood there, stage fright. It had to go on. I had to present it all. I can't disappoint the group that has so much faith in me! So I started and evrything seems to slow down from there.. I was too nervous. Bleh..
Lucky for me (or unlucky?), it lasted for a while more, and I was back.. As all of them said, Jiazi was back.. Erm, not the best, but I guess I was a little more relaxed... Seriously, all thanks to this guy that lightened me up.. Made a funny comment, which totally made me feel like Jiazi again.. Haiz.. But I wasn't well prepared enough, so ya... So soon, the clock displayed 0 minutes left. Uncle Lee didn't stop me yet. Kept looking at me, hahah.. And I kept looking at him (winked at him once or twice), pleading him to try not to stop me, that I'm finishing. And then, that was ALL! I was done! Not the best, but we were done!
Judges comment.. I couldn't concentrate very well... Guess I was a little too disappointed in myself.. I don't get stage fright one! Why!!! Bleh. But it's all donE! We've finished! ALL the hardwork paid off!! The eventual product is definitely worth everything! We're very proud of ourselves. Extremely happy. We didn't have to win to know that we were good. My part of presentation wasn't great. But our concepts and everything were good.
T plus 2hours (1.30pm, The Day):
Everyone has had a great lunch, Decent Buffet Lunch!

Photo time!! We were all so proud of ourselves! So happy that it's all over!!
After many many pictures, I went ahead to drive deardear from school to NUS.. Heee. He waited with me for the prize presentation to come. It was set at 5pm, but there were delays...
T plus 6hours (6pm, The Day):
Prize Presentation.... Speeches, Wrap-ups, And all kinds of encouraging words by the judges....
Uncle Lee to announce... First consolation prize, wasn't us... Second consolation prize.. Wasn't us.. THIRD and FINAL consolation prize, WASN'T US!!!! YEah! We're AT LEAST THIRD... And 2nd Runner-up..... GROUP 6!!! That was us!! Not the best or 2nd, but well, THIRD is good.. We weren't disappointed... We got our well-deserved recognition.. We did.. We weren't half bad.. We did good..
After all the winners were anounced, we went around talking and taking pictures..

the proud seven! see the posters?? see the polarizing lights?
Guess what? Uncle Lee said that our ideas were unanimously (amongst all judges) agreed as the most creative! Get that! MOST CREATIVE!!! It's really a lot of Carolyn, but it was everyone's effort!!! Our group had been very cohesive and everything was done perfect! And we were the Most Creative! If only there was an award for it. But it's okay, I'm sure we all know we are good.. Heh.. And we did get third! And we each have a polarising light! Ain't that great? Wei Ling must have been the most excited.. Heh.. And seriously, we DID GOOD..
What a great day! This project had been very hectic, with many ups and downs, and times when everyone was totally shagged and totally discouraged. But we all survived it! We ROCK! WoW rocks! Seriously, WE ROCK! Hehz....
WoW-ed them quite a bit...
***Warning: Lengthy Post** -
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