Wednesday, November 16, 2005
-*- A Little Something for WoW......
3M project is officially over.. It had just ended and although no one said anything, but I hope everyone will miss the times we spent together, slogging, eating, slacking, thinking, crapping, dozing off, and laughing so hard... Anyway, here's what I wanna say to all of you.... I love u all okie? ;PTo Sue Sue Tu Di: My greatest disciple!! Thanks for sharing the scarily heavy load of superimposing evrything! I love you, and you're the greatest disciple!! Heh.. Next time if you learn more about Photoshop, must remember to tell me okie? Heee. I only know how to get rid of my pimples!! Whahahahhahaaha..
To Deeeeeedng Tngngngngnngngng: Greatest Deeeeeeeder! Lurve you too! Thanks for always being so silly and laughing so infectiously.. And all the cold jokes. Hehz.. And thanks for the amazing leading skills! Heh.. To the greatest presenter!!! ;)
To Ka Lou Ling Roo Roo: CREATIVE DIRECTOR!!! You're the most amazingly creative person that I have come across man!! You can come up with amazingly duh stuff and yet it's all these duh stuff that made us the most creative group! Thanks for all the lame jokes and ALL the laughter!! Wurve u!!
To Ting3 Ting2 Ting2 Ting2: Amazing secretarial skills!!! Thanks for keeping minutes and making the group so much more organised!! Hehe this is one messy group and you really did make things so much neater.. (Hmmm, Cord Management??) And thanks for doing such a great job in Photoshop as well!! Heh.. But please, EAT MORE!!!! Heh.. LOVE YOU!!!
To Winnie Mr Big Appetite, Vion: WINNIE!!! Hehe as much as I always bully you, you know I love you also hor? Hehe thanks for all the gayness man.. Hehe there are times they irritate me, I must admit, BUT (!!!!!), they do cheer me up! ;) And it's been a tough project, but I realised how responsible you can be, and really, I'm impressed.. Not that I didn't find you responsible. But I didn't know you were THIS responsible. Plus! Even though I knew you were a GLUTTON, I didn't know you were SUCH a glutton! Haha..
To Hong Lie aka Darhlding: My dearestestestest!!! Haiz, Thanks so much for bearing with all my rubbish.. For being so supportive, even though I ALWAYS make u wait for so long at the station to go for lessons LATE. Thanks for all the bbteas!! And for getting me off my heaty Ice Milo and too sweet too unhealthy Strawberry Lime.. Aiyo so much to thank you for! But most of all, Thanks for taking this module together,in fact, thanks for asking me to take this module! This is DEFINITELY the best module of my Uni years! ;) For everything, THANK YOU!!! Wurve u!
I know this may seem a little out of place (since he's not in WoW), but...
To Dearie, the Love of my life: Thanks for being so understanding of my extremely hectic project.. And I'm terribly sorry for neglecting you all the time, especially in the past few weeks (two, to be exact). Sorry for not being there at times, and sorry for being too tired to go out most of the time. Thanks for being so supportive and encouraging, Thanks for being so proud of me, Thanks for all your help. Thanks for telling me what's wrong with the ads, volunteering to buy chicken wings for us, eating pizza with us, coming over to pei me when I didn't put in so much effort to accompany you. And mostly, Thanks for turning up to surprise me and bringing me ice cream at a time when I needed you most. I really love you SO much!! Muackz! :)
Mostest Love,
Zeeeeeeeeee Photoshop Master (Hehz..)
A Little Something for WoW...... -
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