Monday, November 21, 2005
-*- Driver's High Baby!!!
Whoohooo!! Guess what! Okie fine, those on my MSN would know by now... (Duh right, since I put it so blatantly on my personal msg... Hehehe..) But for the benefit of those not on my MSN list.... I JUST CAME HOME FROM DRIVING AN SLK FOR A DAY!!!!!!! WHooooohooooo!!! Super High and Ultra Shiok.. Nothing compares man! Okay fine, a lot of things compare.. But Damn this is shiok. The car is Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! And phhhh-ucking Sexy! Damn! WOOT~!Okay, ya, it isn't mine... It's my auntie's... And Ya, I was only driving it for a day. But damn, it was high enough! Not enough for my entire lifetime, hell no, but enough for me to blog about it.. Wahahah. Oh well... Seriously, the car is damn compact, hell it's a two-seater (you know, like a motorcycle? hehz. well better obviously...). The ass is small like shit.. And the front is long like hell. (Erm sorry for the word choices, I just came back from chasing a dog which ran out.. Extremely angry with the dog.. Bah. Okay, that's another story.. Stupid Gougou..) Aaaaaaaaaaaaanywaaaaaaaaaaay, the car IS phoooooooooooooooooooooooo... And the SPEED! Sheeesh! I mean I haven't driven a lot of sports cars (only two i think... this and her previous one..), and I am damn sure there are better ones out there, But sheeesh this is one helluva drive! One gentle step and ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM~!! DAMN! And since it's so compact and so sleek, it can squeeze and cut lanes so smoooooothly... (the sleek part helps because people are looking and swoop! I cut! whahahaha)...
Okay lah, it's undeniably the sleeekiest car I've ever driven, and maybe the sleekiest I'll ever drive (unless I get another one Sleeeeeeekier... Which I just may.. Heheh...).. I haven't driven a lot of cars. But seriously this ride is waaaaaaay cool! Haiz.. My auntie is yucks (in the most endearing manner, mind you, I love this aunt. AND NO! Not because she has a cool ride..)! She is soooooo happening! Bleh.. Haha and she is so sweet and said that I wanna drive just tell her, she'll exchange with me.. Whahahah but who has the cheek to ask la! Bleh.. But it's good to have the option.. Hehe..
Erm can't remember what else I wanna say about the car la.. But it's ultra sleek.. Okay, secretly tell you all, I took pictures.. Okay I know, it's the most sua gu thing to do la.. But I figured, what the hell, it isn't everyday that I get to drive this baby.. So here goes!!!!

Oh, I took a vid too.. Hahah AS I was driving.. But i have no idea how to post it.. So well.. Plus it's lousy quality and no big deal, so yeeeeeah...
***** ADDED AFTER***
Hahahahah I remember what I wanna say liao!!! I DROVE WITH THE ROOF OPEN!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO! Man the feeling ROCKS! Indescribable man, seriously. Sheesh and it just rockS!!! Especially since I was alone and I had nice smoooooth music.. (Erm Class 95, but they were playing number ones la.. So it was greaaaaaaat! Damn and I seriously got a lot of people staring.. They must be thinking, god is fair.. With my looks, I need the money.. Whahahaha.. But oh well, I got people looking la.. Was another source of HIGH! WOOT~! Hmmm yah I think that's all I wanna say, I think........
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