Wednesday, November 02, 2005
-*- Whatever happened to my study days???
Well, as the terrifying 24th Nov looms closer, I'm beginning to feel the pressure.. Yupz, that's the date of my first paper.. *panic* Remembering exactly that Monday of the 4th week, when I went to the Co-op to buy myself three notebooks, telling my Laylay that it's still not too late to start (which it wasn't..). It's been 9 weeks. Two months... And I'm still in the relax-and-take-it-easy mood. No, it shall stop... It MUST stop!!So last weekend, I told myself, okay, this is the last enjoy weekend. From Monday onwards, I shall start studying hard. So Friday was Mahjong Night, Saturday Date Night and Sunday 3Mers Day (oh 3Mers is the group name of my Promotional Marketing module project group. Sorta started by me, the name.)
Monday was full day in school with THREE research participation, one tutorial, one meeting with the MKT lecturer and one lecture. That ended at 6pm, when dog-playing night started. Yupz, my family has a dog now. Well, at least for this week. Labrador/Golden Retriever (I have absolutely no idea.) The dog is endearing. 8 months old. Extremely playful. A little trained, but not enough. Ran out in the middle of the night.. Bummer. But we got it back alright. Oh, did I say? I played Mahjong on Monday as well. And there goes my Monday of "study hard"...
Tuesday public holiday. Ain't that always the greatest? Best time to study right? Well, 3Mers Day again. But at least that was productive. I love this project! We have to come up with a marketing plan to promote 3M Hooks with Command Adhesive. Rocks, doesn't it? And and and!! And there's a Cash Prize at the end of it! If 3M decides that our group has the best proposal, or 2nd or 3rd (out of 6 groups). Exciting right? Anyway, so Tuesday was Productive 3Mers Day... Dinner with Vincent after. Then Mahjong again.... There goes my "Study Hard" Tuesday...
So last night, I told myself. Okay, well at least I don't have anything planned on Wednesday, I shall study then! Woke up a little before twelve, woken up by Erjie, who had accidentally let the dog run out of the house.. Had to go after the dog. Apparently the dog listens to me more. Haiz oh well, so I was awake. Went online to do Forum assignment.. Hahaha that means to contribute to the forum in order to get marks for my module.. EL module.. Bleah. So I was getting started on my "studying hard".. So excited... Little did I know as I went down for my lunch at about 2, a whole day of errands awaits me... Mum says BBQ tomorrow, Ah Girl has to go pay for the rental of the pit. Dajie says dog needs to be washed, Ah Girl has to buy shampoo and wash the dog. Oh well, since I was going to Bayshore to pay the pit money, might as well run my own errands right? Did some banking, bought some Zi-grooming stuff and dog-grooming stuff... Reached home about 5.30.. Bathed the dog, apply medication for it, and fed it. Then groomed myself.. Hahah shower, that is.. And now.. It's 8pm.. Haiz.. I shall study till late tonight. Hope nothing stops me...
Tomorrow is another long day. It's 3Mers Day again.. Let's hope it's Productive 3Mers Day... ;p
Whatever happened to my study hard days? Oh well.
Whatever happened to my study days??? -
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