Wednesday, May 18, 2005

-*- what a weird feeling...  
my god!!! i actually feel like blogging.. hahahha weird huh? was in the shower, then decided that i should update my blog about my life... i do hope pple still check in here once in a while? hahah well nothing much is happening (fine im blogging about nothing.. bleah)
anyway, just thot to update those who don't noe anything about my life.. im going HONGKONG this july!! that is the utimate highlight of my hols baybeeee!! hahah going with my family for 4D3N then my frens will join mi after that 4D3N for another 3D2N!!! which means that im staying in HONG KONG for a whole weeek!!! hahah aint life just the greatest? ;p
but... for the trip, i will need to earn money and save!! GASP! save money!!! me?!?!?!?! haiz... and im trying very hard.. am doing several survey assignments lately.. did one last week, handed in yesterday.. and i just went for briefing for another assignment.. that starts tmr.. ******drop by orchard tmr!!!****** and tmr i have another briefing in the evening... wahaha so from now till sunday, ill be working on two assignments!!! concurrently!! heheh i rock! i hope this pays well man.. anyway, if u are a darh-ling and wanna help me *innocent smile*, just gimme a call!! hahah the surveys are very ez.. just have to answer some questions and ill be sooo grateful!!! *blush* call me call me call me now!!!!
so anyway, im trying my best to earn more more money.. so i can spend more during the trip.. and guess what, i need a new computer... so that will cost me another thousand dollars AT LEAST... haiz im going broke very quickly man.. so anyone who wants to donate to me, without giving one cent at all, just gimme a call now!!!! so you can be my respondent!!! then i can get the money without u giving anything!! aint it just sooooooo grreat? ;p so call me okie?
hmm i just realised im not very coherent.. but never mind la.. each paragraph makes sense right? i think it does la.. heheh anyway, the reason y i felt like blogging is not to ask u all to call me, it's really because i feel like blogging..
ya okie, that urge is gone.. bwahahah im off then! bye and thanks for tuning in!!!

what a weird feeling... - 

jazzi craved @ 12:24 AM


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