Sunday, October 23, 2005
-*- This I must blog...
Did u know? Singapore has its own topless cabaret show!!Ain't that cool (in the sense that there is such a thing allowed in the Conservative Singapore)? I mean, I knew about it, but I didn't get the chance to watch it before... well, when I was young, I was young, and I wasn't allowed... and when I grew up, no one brought me there.. Until TODAY.....
So it was some kind of special charity dinner that my auntie and uncle (-in-law) bought a table of tickets to, and my auntie couldn't make it. So we were invited to join my uncle-in-law. So there were three of us (my parents and I, Vin was supposed to go with me one! But well, he missed it... kinda too bad for him... hehe) and my third auntie (another auntie) family.
It was at Neptune Theatre Restaurant, apparently the only restaurant that had topless cabaret in Singapore (doesn't that just rock??). Before I went, I already knew about this restaurant having this kind of LIVE topless dancing show. I just didn't expect to be able to watch it at a CHARITY DINNER. So we went in, and there was this standee that said that Miss Singapore Chinatown was to be held tonight. So I was like, hmm okay, so no topless dancing, but there's Miss Singapore Chinatown. Lame huh? But oh well, I'm trapped anyhow.
Miss Singapore Chinatown contestants started the night with a short cheongsam show and along came the emcee, announcing the start of the dinner. *yeah!!!* So several dishes came up, one by one, and we were "entertained" with speeches by BORING people, followed by the swimsuit segment of the pageant. By the way, there was this girl that really knows how to shake her ass man! She was twisting left right left all over the stage! Goodness!!! But I guess she looks a little hot. The shaking of butt made her stand out lah, definitely. Then there was another break, to serve more food. *yippee*
While eating, there were performances by some Malay society, and some Indian society I think. Dances and songs, I think. There was this very graceful ballet bit by 2 Caucasians. The female ballerina was so graceful!! And we were all in awe by her flexibility man! Splendid! The man carried her up, by holding her calves, and she could arch backwards all the way and touch the ground!!! Gosh! I was totally floored, sort of. Impressive.
Then there was the gown segment of the pageant. The girl that I was supporting had this very elegant looking and yet simple gown, and it was flowy and all, very exquisite. Pretty. The twisting woman had quite a nice gown too. Oh, and there was this girl that was like 19 years old, and guess what, she's 180cm! That's like so much taller than the average of about 165cm! The other contestants all looked so short next to her!! Sheesh. Oh but she ain't that hot. Emcee comes along again, and announces another break. By this time, most of the dishes were out already, and there's only the dessert left.
And there was it. An announcement to invite all under 18 to leave the dining area to the flat-screen outside, at the reception of the restaurant, where they will be showing cartoons for them. All under EIGHTEEN. Just the announcement itself sounds so suggestive. So obviously we were pretty psyched. I mean come on, how often do you see topless women dancing in a public place like that? So I told my cousin, who is 17, no more, to stay. She looks older than 18 anyway. Hehe... So I can laugh together with her when the show starts.
The show started. Three Caucasian women came out naked, dancing happily, looking like it's an everyday thing (the restaurant features this topless cabaret show occasionally, but I have no idea how occasional. But I guess she is used to it.), and then there was the graceful and flexible ballerina who did another ballet bit with a guy (I think it's the same one as the previous ballet bit). With a scanty top, but not topless... those topless ones were still dancing behind her though (By the way, all this while, my silly 17 year old cousin didn't realize the three girls were topless. She was asking me when the topless dancers will come out... duh). Then I was thinking, it's not as tasteless as I thought it would be.
Well at least that's what I was thinking. Turns out, they were trying to ease us in... because what follows was quite a put-off. After three to four songs of normal dancing, some topless some scanty tops, there was the three women again. By the way, they were quite big-boned Caucasian women, with oddly average-sized breasts. And out of nowhere, whips were taken out. Their costumes were quite, ahem, suggestive. And it was quite a put-off, maybe because I'm not a guy, maybe because I'm, well, not used to these things. But yah, it was quite a put-off. Then they started whipping. Not at anyone in particular, but seemingly, each girl was whipping the one behind her, while at the same, looking as though whipping her own butt. And that part ended with the four women as two pairs, hugging each other in the most evocative ways.
Well, the dances continue in that direction, with one topless man to two topless women sometimes, or just one to one, or just two women. Erotic dances. Well, I wasn't that excited anymore. I mean I was excited because it is rare. But I'm not exactly in favour of women whipping themselves, or throwing themselves at men, or throwing themselves at each other - all TOPLESS. I mean, I'm fine with lesbians, fine with knowing that people go for "moresomes", but I don't like the idea of watching dances like that.
Indeed, I must say, it was quite an experience. I mean like I said, it's uncommon to see topless women dancing live in Singapore. I'm not a fan, but I won't mind watching a show like that once. I have seen these kinds of shows, sort of, in Thailand, but the different thing is that Singapore is such an uptight country, so it's quite a new experience for me. It is certainly not new but I think it's rather happening that we have such a thing in Singapore.
Well, it's been a long day. I need to sleep. I hope I won't dream of those naked women... *shudders* nothing against them, but I wouldn't like dreaming of women... although I don't mind that hottie that was dancing with the ballerina. He seems quite hot, and has a great body. Quite yum actually, but well, the show wasn't about him, so I shan't talk too much about him. Just know that I don't mind looking at that kind of body once in a while. Heh.
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