Monday, May 03, 2004

-*- poli-hypocri-tical Zi  
took a test.. hahah this sounds fun.. but the thing doesnt have the code to paste the result.. haha so i did a table thing for myself.. so here goes.....

Jaz, you're a

You're forceful, innovative, and popular with the masses. You aggressively pursue your goals, and you enjoy impressing people. You've always been surrounded by friends and loved ones and have a natural sense of showmanship.

You're perfect for any work that requires personal interaction and you never say anything that offends anyone — at least to their face.

And that's just scratching the surface!

Take the Personality Test

hmm im a politician? hahah alright la..
hmmm popular with the masses sounds good.. hehe.. but am i? haha i have friends and all, but popular? haha no la.. *modest*
hmm i do enjoy impressin people.. but seriously, who doesnt? hehe.. showmanship?!?! hahah i just checked the dictionary.. *embarrassed* apparently, im good at presenting entertainment, goods etc... hehe.. sorry arh, my english not that fantabuloustic.. ;p heh anyway am i good at presenting? *ponders* hahah well, i hope i do! hee..
but hmmm i think the results may sound a little hypocritic.. the not to the face part... but i guess that's the way life goes? cos it's hard to survive out there if u are too outright with ur criticisms? but i think i do try to cushion the hurt, if i really feel that the person ought to noe the truth.. *awwww..* as for saying offensive stuff, i guess ya, sometimes i do that, i say mean things behind people's back.. eh but that's only if i dun like the person... *oopz* hehe.. so ya.. hmm but i think the "perfect for any work that requires personal interaction" bit is very true.. *nods nods* hehe.. cos i love to interact with people.. and i think sometimes i can handle people's unreasonableness.. but that's sometimes only.. (i noe this sounds lame.. im listening to "sometimes" by britney.. how apt. bleh. hahah)..
anyway, even though it is somewhat true, i still think the test got one thing very wrong.. hahah it is impossible for me to become a politician! *bewildered* hahahah simply becos i have too much rubbish to say! wahahahahahahahahahhaha can u imagine a politician like me? *hmmm?* so much to say, but nothing substantial or nothing of worth? wahahha.. i think it'll not aid the party too much eh? ;p

***i am closest to rubbish talker that any "politician" can get!***

poli-hypocri-tical Zi - 

jazzi craved @ 2:22 AM


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