Saturday, April 24, 2004
-*- ya ya quiz AGAIN....
after doing a sex quiz, which i hoped that it had picturess for the results... *cheekie* i see no pict, and decided against putting the results.. oh plus putting REAAAALLY erotic answers will get u a "plain old regular sex" result.. so ya, not true.. lousy quiz.. no picts and everything.. haha so i decided that i should do an inner child quiz.. so here's the result.......
My inner child is sixteen years old!
Life's not fair! It's never been fair, but while adults might just accept that, I know something's gotta change. And it's gonna change, just as soon as I become an adult and get some power of my own.
How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla
Update of Jazzi
anyway, just some update on the life of the darling whose blog u check ever so often, im happY! hahah been having days of fun and all! shopping and shopping and shopping... oh and meeting up with old friends.. great! hehe.. tmr going KTV!!! whee!! so happy! yay! and movies! yay! finally, a NORMAL weekend! urgh.. hahah but im now enjoying myself!! so much! oh and i miss ALL my frens!! so u! YOU!! *points finger at everyone* yes YOU! pick up ur phone now and CALL ME!!! we MUST meet up!!! *points again* YESSSS! YOUUUUUUU!!! heee... okie then! waiting for people to come and ask me out! hahahhahhaha *not shy* okie then... please forgive my unshyness.. im after all, a 16 year old deep inside.. hehz.. bye bye all! or ta ta~! (that's how i used to say bye when i was 16... hmmm? hehz...)
***i am closest to an adult child that any ADULT can get!***
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