Thursday, April 22, 2004
-*- yay! the happier resurrected jiazi...
as predicted, my last paper went horrendously horrible... i totally got the questions wrong.. interpreted wrongly and everything.. bummer...BUT!!!!
im happy... exams are finally over.. i think the 3 mths break is a well deserved break... i did work very hard for the other papers... ;P
so i came home from the paper straight.. partly cos i no mood to go out after a shitty paper.. but mainly cos i got no kaki to go out with...... *lonely* haiz but i knew this would happen.. ill be all excited abt the last day of paper then suddenly i realise i have no plans.. bleh.
hmm but the happy thing is that im going to orchard TMR!!! whee! shop till i drop! wahahahh then ill shop somemore! yay! hee.. it's been quite a while since i last shopped.... even longer since i last shopped by myself... yupz.. that's a fantastic feeling... cos u dun have to wait for people, u can shop for as long as u wan, u can go into any shop and do anything u wan, nobody will be complaining to you abt anything, and most importantly, u feel FREE!!! hee.. oh well, but there's always a downside.. ill have no one to tok to... wahahh so if anyone is free tmr, do call me on my hp! whee! i can chat ALL DAY with ya! hehe... *excited*
aw man! i am SOOOO excited abt tmr.. hmmm i shall make a list of what i wanna buy.....
1) everything
2) everything
3) everything
4) everything
5) everything
are u kidding me? i need a list to SHOP?!?!?!?! naw.. u dun noe me well enough.. haha but i do have several things that i wanna go see... hmm like bras, sandals, bras, flipflops, bras, bags, bras, nail stuff, bras, hair stuff, bras, vin stuff, bras, tops, bras, skirts, bras and more.. wahahhaha okie anyone who noes me well enough shd understand the reason for the above items.. heheh so ya.. main thing? *ahem* u noe la .... *shy* wahahah right...... how can i be shy man? bleh.
hmm yupz. so that's my plan for tmr! wahahah for now, ill just sit here and wait for my stupid nail poilish to dry! haiz started to paint too late.. now dun even have the energy to polish my fingernails.. i just did the toenails.. haiz boring colors.. hahah haiz okie i shall go watch a movie or play games liao.. bye bye all! remember to call me tmr! hahah oh and be nice and call my starhub line.. wahahha thankies all!!!
***i am closest to ultra extremely super duper totally hyper that any human awake at 250 in the morning can get!***
yay! the happier resurrected jiazi... -
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