Sunday, May 02, 2004
-*- just a lttle update...
hello all.. havent updated the blog in a bit.. hahah erm actually only 2 days la.. but i should give u guys some updates on myself right? ;p aiya doesnt matter la.. i just wanna write! hahah dun care if u wanna read! hahah bleh.anyway, the work thing has finished.. at least for me la.. cos i told the people at the company that i dun wanna do liao.. but i did complete the targetted number of surveys.. im responsible one lor! hehe.. anyway i managed to do about 10? or a bit more la.. about 12 or so la.. hehe.. considering the first day i only did one survey and the 2nd day i didnt even get any, i think 12 on thurs and fri is quite amazing.. haiz but luckily i did get the ones i got on fri.. cos if i didnt, i would be earning less than 6.5per hour.. doesnt that suck! argh.. anyway, at the rate of 6 per piece, i got about $70? ya so that's ABOUT $6.5 per hour... cos i worked abt 11 hrs.. haiz.. sad
anyway, now that i dun have a job.. im looking for one again.. i wanna do some admin job.. i noe it's boring and sucky, but i think it is stable money.. and i need the stable money now.. im quite broke.. and i still wanna play during weekends! so i have to earn the money fast.. cos daddy did hint that he may wanna stop my pocket money.. hahah but i hope he doesnt.. haiz even if i work, it wouldnt be enough for me to spend! hahah lalala.. i wanna be the pampered girl! hahah hmmm but come to think of it, exams finished only a week ago, so i can relax a bit before working.. hehe..
and talking about relaxing, hahaha i enjoyed myself this WHOLE WEEK! so shiok! hahah last weekend was fantabuloustic! hehe and the whole of this week, since i went to work everyday, daddy doesnt noe when im working and when im not... hahah so i went out every evening! but it wasnt the go out and play kinda enjoy.. it was the meet vin every day kinda enjoy... hahah cos vin could book out.. so i met him on wed evening, thurs evening and very briefly on fri evening! hahah he even wanted to surprise me on wed evening, which my friend accidentally let me know.. haha cos her boyfriend was booking out with vin.. so she told me that they booking out.. then i asked vin and he said he wanted to surprise me one.. hahah i think he's the sweetest darling in the world!
anyway, this week was rather eventless.. cos i was working.. everyday same one.. wake up, shower, prep to leave, eat lunch, go work, then come home from work (plus a bit of going out hehz..), shower, then chat online for a few hours, sleep... and repeat. heh.. so was fun but abit mundane... but i saw very little of daddy and mummy... i think dad was quite pissed about my job la.. haiz but i hope he's ok cos i accompanied them (my parents) for lunch today.. ;p
as for the weekend, hahah i played mj the whole of yesterday!!! i played a 2 person mj! hahah i won vin!!! $27.50!!! hahah that was super lame.. but was so fun to see his face when he loses! hahah at one point of time he even ran away, saying he doesnt wanna play! hahahaah so cute man!
haiz ya lor.. wah that's all, my boring, tiring but somewhat fun week.. wah i think i bored everyone! hahaha lalala but i dun care, cos this is my blog! it's about my life, and if my life is boring, hahah there's pretty much nothing i can do.. hahahhaha bleh..
but my friends, im happy...
***i am closest to contented with my life that any almost-boring lifer can get!***
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