Friday, April 30, 2004

-*- my guardian angel  
once again, im bored.. but i'd BETTER go sleep after my shower later.. urgh.. working always makes me smell all ciggie stink all over! hate smokers!
anyway, did a silly quiz again.. hahah lazy to type.... so here goes....

You have a guardian angel no doubt about it. Even though you haven't exactly seen him, he's watching over you without-a-doubt.. who knows.. maybe it's love?

would an angel, demon, or pure evil fall for you?
brought to you by Quizilla

aw man! i noe who my guardian angel is!!! my dearie!!! once again, im deep in love.. hahah the rollercoaster master.. haiz... but haha, im happy!! lalala...

***i am closest to lovelorn that jazzi can get!***

my guardian angel - 

jazzi craved @ 1:35 AM


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