Monday, April 19, 2004
-*- burnt and burnt
i have not slept yet.. since ehm yesterday afternoon? ya.. was gonna rest just now when i realised that i wanted to be sweet and decided to make breakfast for dearie.. haiz.. so stayed up lor.. from 330 to 5 i was just lying on the bed playing game on my hp.. and a kind friend actually called to chat with me.. :pso at 5, i "woke up" and went to burn 5 eggs and 6 hotdogs... haiz dun luff.. i suck at cooking... be glad tat i bothered.. oh well, burnt was the food.. but sweet were my actions... hmm and unexcited was his response.. how comforting right... haiz..
okie the whole story...
last nite, we decided that i was to drive him to this dumb camp in portsdown... (nope, not portsmouth.. hehz... but it's somewhere near NUS...)... so decided to make breakfast for him..
haiz.. burnt the breakfast... and he burnt my feelings..
oh well, blame it on myself... for being such a lousy cook... i burnt 5 EGGS?!?!! dammit! i blame the stupid pans! and the limited oil.. (wanted him to eat healthy) and the sunny side up idea! blegh.. i can fry normal boring eggs! dammit i can! but i cant do sunny side up! blegh.. so i burnt all of them! idert....
and the worst thing is my feelings got burnt by him... he said my eggs smell/taste/look funny.. forgot which.. anyhow, he didnt eat them la.. they're now in the trashbin of the next-door indian..... shucks...
and the 6 burnt hotdogs? he did eat them... but like very reluctantly.. oh well, wat to do... my cooking sux wat.. bleurgh...
but wat made it worse that he didnt stop at saying that the eggs were funny.... he luffed at me.. said that he doesnt noe y i told him i could cook... dammit dammit dammit!
oh well, but aft that he did TRY very hard to look appreciative... erm.. i was already sad la.. so ya.. but didnt tell him.. cos i noe he tried to be nice... oh well....
***i am closest to the lousiest cook on earth that any girl can get!***
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