Tuesday, April 20, 2004
-*- neither here nor there...
im almost dead... in 4.5 hrs, im gonna be taking the paper for my major.. wahahha and i *think* im preped.. and i have 4.5 hours to read more.. but i think im a little tired.. should i sleep? should i carry on studying? (note: im taking a break now.. so writing an entry is legal.. :P) im worried that if i sleep i wont be able to wakie.. and yet if i dun sleep, wat if i fall aslp while studying?? *gasps* geez.. 4.5 hours.. neither here nor there lor! argh..anyway, abt the paper later.. haiz it's my 2nd last paper.. like finally, 7 hrs later, i can say that i only have one paper left.. blegh.. hahah... but the paper later is making me quite stressed out.. i dunno if im preped for it or not.. as in ya, i noe the stuff... but am i able to link everything together and answer the tough questions??? argh, see, that i dunno! bleh... haiz... this is studying for ya eh? *_*
anyway, after all my papers, im SOOO gonna play all day everyday! wahahah!!!! But!!!! first, i must apply for the substitute teacher thing at my former secondary school... wahhah i wanna be a substitute teacher! have a taste of being a teacher, without the extra stress... plus some money... sounds like the best eh? hee.. yeah i think it is....
haiz that's beside the point... im dead for the paper later! argh! hmm i think im quite incoherent eh? sorry... hmm later b4 going i better drink some kopi (and brand's? my parents forcing me to drink it.. haha but i love it so yea.. hee) oh! and i must make sure i gather my thoughts properly before answering the question during the paper... bleurgh..
**i am closest to dead for the paper later that any student can get!**
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