Wednesday, April 21, 2004
-*- *dead*_*mort*
hello peeps, this is jiazi bidding farewell to all, as i prepare to get slaughtered at AS1 in 2.5 hours... here are the details if anyone wanna noe............name of slaughter house: SSA3201 Singaore English Language Theatre Final Examination.
name of person doing the slaughtering: Dr KK Seet... (dont blame him.. he's a darling.. it's the module... *_*)
time of slaughter: 1300hrs 21st April 2004 (no viewing of the slaughter. invitation only. i.e: those who are involved in the slaughter, my fellow victims)
time of PROBABLE resurrection of Jiazi: 1500hrs 21st April 2004.
however, if the resurrection is successful, jiazi shall become a happier person.
nonetheless, farewell to all.. and good luck to me, and my fellow victims of the mass slaughter.
oh! and if i may, DAMN the weather! friggin' hot! *fans herself* this kinda weather is something jiazi wont miss after she's slaughtered.
***i am closest to melted that any human can get!***
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