Wednesday, May 05, 2004
-*- my sexual appeal...
got this quiz from zarn.. bleh...
What's your sexual appeal?
brought to you by Quizilla
hmm im a tomboy? eh actually i dunno if i shd feel insulted or happy.. my impression of a tomboy is a very unladylike woman, who wears pants everyday, and actions very guyish etc etc.. haiz but im so *ahem* ladylike.. heheh plus i almost only wear skirts.. (everyone who noes me shd noe eh?)....
but hor, the thing says im sexy and utterly irresistable! hahahah i dun think i am la.. hahah but the thing says as if im soooo precious... so i like the result! hehe.. *so bimbotic!!!*
ME today
this is associated with the thing above too, just i've been feeling very bimbotic the whole day! heh.. i noe i noe, im always bimbotic! hahahha a lot of my friends say that.. am i really? hahah but they never fail to remind me that bimbos are supposed to be pretty... so me? im not really a bimbo-bimbo.. haiz.. hahahah yeah watever, i lurve myself anyway.... ;p
i went for ice cream with a friend.. and she says she's trying to "learn" to be a bimbo.. and she was telling me as if she was saying that she wanna "learn" from me.... hahah then i looked at myself, i feel very bimbotic.. i noe i noe, u may be saying, "arent bimbos pretty?" hehe..but i feel pretty.. so that counts too! ;p eh then i feel very dumb the whole entire day! hahah
then even at dinner with dearie and another couple frens of ours, i felt super bimbotic! hahahah aiya, just a feeling la.. haha but i can 100% assure im not a bimbo.. *i think* hahah im really am not la... ;p
***i am closest to bimbo that any "unpretty" girl can get!***
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