Sunday, April 18, 2004

-*- well, everyone, another quiz!!  
took a groooovy quiz, ripped off from a junior's bloggy... so enjoy!!!

What Name Should You Have? by Lauren

actually i would love the name jade... erm but maybe for my daughter or something.. hmm i tink one of my frens would lurve this name though... but she has the most exciting name in the world.. so i dun think this name's for her.. and definitely not for me la.. think i lurrve my name la... and i must have j & z in my name... wahahahah cos it's JiaZi!!!!!!!!!!!!! *applause* wahahahahaha
okie then, "jade" signin off....

***i am closest to a quiz maniac that any blogger can get!***

well, everyone, another quiz!! - 

jazzi craved @ 3:10 PM


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