Sunday, May 09, 2004

-*- argh.... dummy hosts!!! -
- and happy mothers' day to all mothers!! (esp to mine and vin's!)  
dammit! i cant stand and!! i mean if i have a pic on their site and i wanna link it from my bloggie, y must they stop me! hurmph.. hai anyway the pict on my blog now, i dunno how long it will last la.. but just put there until it's blocked again. argh im pissed with the fact that i have nowhere free to host the picts i wanna post! bleh!

anyway... today is mothers' day.. so....

HaPpY MotHErS' DAy
To ALL MoThErs!!!

(esp mummy and vin's mom)

heh.. hmm i didnt do much today though... just went to my gramps place.. where all my aunties and uncles and my family "gathered" hahah just a normal potluck thing to "celebrate"... so was not very exciting.. but fun la.. i lurve this side of my family.. (the maternal side).. sad to say, im not too close to my father side of the family.. they seem just too different.. as in they live far and they behave differently and most importantly, it's a super huge family.. so it's almost impossible to get together all the time.. i have a total of 13 aunties and uncles on my father side of the family.. that's 9 aunties and 4 uncles.. including my dad and the daughter she gave away (long story.. plus im not sure wat exactly happened...), my maternal granma had 15 kids.. hard man.. i salute her.. heh.. imagine the hard labour (sorry for the intentional pun) that she had to go through... and FIFTEEN times.. goodness.. i think ill die.. heh...
anyway, so (as i've already said....) i didnt do much.. just the little potluck thing.. hahah just another family gathering la.. if u noe me well enough, u'd noe that my family is very close.. we have family gatherings almost every week.. almost every week, we will just go some auntie's place (or uncle's place or my mother's place, ie my home) to just eat and do nothing.. maybe watch tv or play mj.. mainly just to chat and gossip.... nothing much.. hahah just a bunch of people keeping the neighbours from sleeping.. hahah..
so ya, that was my day.... haiz if u notice, i didnt mention dearie.. haiz, cos we didnt meet... :( i mean he has his mum to celebrate with ma... cant expect him to celebrate my mother's mothers' day and leave his mum right? so ya, he celebrated his with his mum and i with mine.. but i may go over later la.. heehe... was sad enough that he didnt come over last nite.. haiz i tink i cant live without him hahahh oopz.. better censor that.. heheh too mushy liao.. heheh but i bet u can still read that right? hahah watever.. it's the truth anyway.. just censor to prove that im shy.. hahahah
anyway, ya that's all la.. oh and just a note to all who're concerned: despite being jobless (oh dammit! hahah), Jiazi is happy with herself, her life, her family, her friends, and most importantly her dearie(duh!) ... *smiling with glee, with joy, with bliss*

***i am closest to fully contented with her life that any jobless woman can get!***

argh.... dummy hosts!!! -
- and happy mothers' day to all mothers!! (esp to mine and vin's!) - 

jazzi craved @ 11:38 PM


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