Sunday, April 18, 2004

-*- closest to... that any... can...  
hmm i was just about to take a nap... when i started to reprimand myself about being such a pig when i am supposed to be studying... and i had just eaten! so i shdnt take a nap now!!! arhhhh!!!
okie that was lame.. ANYWAY, i was reprimanding myself.. so i came up with a lame idea... erm ya from now on, every entry will end with one thing... (nope, not quotes... im sick of quotes already...) okie it will end like that:

***i am closest to a pig that any human can get!***

erm get the drift? hahah ya im gonna keep up with that for as long as i have ideas... hahah oh! and if u wanna contribute, go ahead and do it in my tag board! hahah i noe this is the DumbEST idea that anyone can come up with.. but well, that's right about what i am.. except that im not the dumbEST, but im the Best! lalala......
ya okie i shall go sleep liao... good nap all!

***i am closest to mad that any sane person can get!!!***

closest to... that any... can... - 

jazzi craved @ 10:34 AM


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