Thursday, January 15, 2004
-*- another boring thurs....
haiz another boring thurs.. hahah im in the eerily quiet cluster again.. siannening.. but this time it's not as quiet... so it's much much much better.. lalala.. im trying to decide if i wanna go for the tutorial that's starting in half an hr.. it's so boring, the lecturer, that is... haiz.. but i dunno if the participation counts towards the course or not..haiz maybe i should declare this module as the S/U (satisfactory/unsatisfactory) option thingie.. so it wun count towards me CAP.. hehe.. but then again, this thing no exam.. hahah so im not sure.. lalala... hmm i shall email the gong gong looking lecturer again to ask about the course.. as in wat contributes to the grading n wat doesnt... so i can make an informed decision..
hmm am i making sense.. im quite tired i think ... hahah.. cos i was watching sex and the city last nite.. gd show.. but kinda R(A).. well, to quote a fren.. it's not banned in singapore for no reason.. heheh.. so i was watching it.. i kinda cant stop.. haha cos i had several episodes.. so yeah.. i watched till 1 plus..
hehe n today i almost couldnt wake up.. hehe.. woke up at 630.. i was supposed to wake up at 6.. but oh well, if i didnt have to print the irritating n useless notes, i wouldnt have been late.. but i wasnt late either la.. cos i took a cab.. er.. i think i've drifted too far from my original topic.. so.. yea im quite tired... so i may not make sense.. hehe.. lalal... i tink i shd just skip the tutorial.. so irritating.. argh.. lalala... life is sian..
anyway, recently im having problems with my family again.. in fact, it's with one particular famile member.. if u'r close to me, u'll noe who it is.. so sickening.. made a big fuss over a small little thing.. im disgusted actually.. by "its" actions.. bleagh... doing childish things like that... argh!!!
anyway, i dun think i should dwell on it.. i shall stop here to end my grousing mood.. lalala... bye all.. no quotes for today.. bleagh.. byeee...
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