Monday, January 12, 2004
-*- life's good.... it really is...
my life is good!!! n to say that it's good is a complete understatement... my life is more than grrrrrrrreat, much much better than FANTASTIC, n definitely no less than EXTREMELY TERRIFIC!!!! wheee....reason for my exhilarating happiness? my life, no less!! hehe... i dunno i i did mention this before, i got a tv in my room after (quite a while after... but yea...) i've cleaned up my room n shifted my com to another place... (almost like a reward i tell u)....
next thing i know, my parents are talking about applying for cable (tv AND maxonline)... since cabling for landed property costs alot, my family has been holding that thought for a very long while.... so knowing that there's a slight chance we're gonna cable the home is already an exciting news by itself!!! whoopee!!! hehe... n on 31 dec, i was listening to my dad talking to the salesperson about cabling my home!!! before i know it, it's the day, (today is the cabling day).... i have cable maxonline!! n im now surfing like a mad woman!! hahah im downloadin stuff like mad!! im comtemplating the aspect of playing gunbound.. it interests me quite a bit... mehehe.. another reason y life's good has been explained in one of my previous entries... my problems from family n nus are quite gone by now... or rather my poblems with family are long gone and i have come to accept my sad predicament of 5 day week in nus for this sem...
another better reason is the coming 3rd anniversary of the sweet love with dearie!!!! we're not gonna do anything extravagant this year i think (we used to dress up n go fancy restaurants to eat meals billing up to $200... heheh)... we're just gonna enjoy each other's company... =) yeah but i've already decided on wat i wanna buy for him!!! shan't announce it here, lest he checks this webbie ( not that i think he does....) or anyone who reads this tells him.. heheh.... shall keep it a secret to myself and a few trusted souls!!!
whee... all in all, my life's grrreat! n more than that, im extremely happy....... YAY!!!
quote is rather cliche... but i kinda like it.. =)
*** dont look back....
your future's not in the past.... ***
life's good.... it really is... -
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