Tuesday, December 30, 2003
-*- boo hoo hoo - NUS probs, more nus probs and lastly, ear infection
haiz very long never blogged already... hahah i think since the last time i blogged, my life has been more messed up... haiz...............first, my registration for modules to read for next sem in NUS is very screwed up... since i didnt do the declaration in nov (sometime around there), i can't declare my major until next sem.. which means that this sem my modules will be very hard to get... cos major students are given priority.... n i may only be given a seat if there are vacancies... n even if there are places, i have to vie for it with other students who may wanna take the module.. i.e i have to bid a higher points.. waste the points.. haiz nus uses very stupid system... students who wanna take any modules must bid for it... students are given points in the start when they enter uni and at the start of every sem.. so the points must be used "wisely", according to the students' priorities... but since major students are given priority, they dun have to bid high points for the modules they want, cos when they bid, the vacancies very high......... haiz.. n now that all the major studnets have gotten their modules, im left to fight with 80 plus people for 13 seats... HOW can i get it??? so i bid very very high lor.. so siannening right? argh! now im still waiting for the results... plus i appealed... hope that somehow or another i can get the place in the module.... oh btw, the module is information and communications management module.. media communications... haiz.. reallly hope to get that module....
2nd thing is that the modules i wan, the timetable SUX!!! i have to go school tues to sat... hahah but i think i've kinda managed to change my timetable to such that i dun have to go on sat... will be very sad if i hav to go school on saturdays... cos dearie only books out on weekends.. dun really wanna waste my time with him... but tues to fri is sucky enough!!! argh! i noe i shdnt be complaining so much, since many people actually have to go everyday, even saturdays.. so yea.. haiz but i still am sad about the 4day weeks... n 4days is if i can get all the tutorials that i want... if i cant, i may have to go everyday, n on many days, go for only an hr.. that sux.. considering i have to travel an hr to go n another hr back.. SUX!!! n i cant drive cos my erjie "needs" the car! argh! haiz i hate my timetable for this sem.. i lurve it the last sem.. hahah cos it was a 3day week thing n everyday i go for very long.. so i wun have to waste the many hrs travelling.. haiz...... but now....... oh man, im whining.. haiiiiiii.....
okie.. next screwed up thing... my ear kena infection... i just went to the doc today.. he said a few things.. he said that it's serious... then he said i'll be fine after i've taken the medicine n used the drops... so wat does that mean?!?!? anyway, the stupid med cost me so much man.. bleagh.. i think docs are earning too much... he only looked inside my ear for 5 secs n said some standard stuff n gave me some lame ass medicine n charged me $50++ for everything... haiz... not that my ear is better... still hurts.. i still hear muffled sounds... hear my own echo... so irritating.. =( somebody come n sayang me!!!!! hahah yeah vin does that a lot... he very nice to me! actually he was the one who kept pushing me to go see the doc.. hee.. he really cares so much for me! keke.. im so in love!!! hahahah im love sick.... lalala... love sick but very much in pain.... ear hurts alot... haiz......
haiz altho three small probs dont seem that bad.. but i have many other probs.. so yea... sad la.. hope that next yr will be much better! =) which is in fact 2 days later.........
boo hoo hoo - NUS probs, more nus probs and lastly, ear infection -
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