Saturday, December 06, 2003

-*- genting here i come!!!  
oh my! im so excited! the day i've been waiting for the past 2 months is finally here!!! im leaving for genting in 8 hours!!! yeah! n everything has gone successfully, despite all the glitches and all.. dear's passport expired, his camp doesnt allow him to leave (twice that happened....) etc etc... it's all over! we're going genting FOR REAL!!! whee...
haiz too bad that we're not going alone, but with my family... oh well, it's still as excting! at least dear and i will be together n having fun! hee... im so happy!!!
hmmmm but my dad may be quite a spoiler... i don't know what the f*** is wrong with him today... he kept going against everything i say lor! every sentence i say he just says something back to invalidate the sentence, like as if everything i say is wrong lor... got real pissed with him... left the house in a tee n a pair of shorts... couldnt stand talking to him for another minute... and there was the whole car lending matter... i mean im not asking for much... i just wanna borrow the car on weekends to drive around instead of taking the bus/cab (usually the cab)... and it's not like he's going out or im not gonna return his car when he wants it... and without any hesitation, he just refused.. fine! everything my erjie (2nd sis) wants, she can have... but i cant borrow a bloody car? he bought an xtra car just to make sure that she (or anyone who is "eligible to drive", which apparently im not) can drive around in a car lor... and ALL im asking for is to lend mi his older car for a few hours and he has to flatly refuse? that sux man! im a new driver, not a lousy driver... why cant he be trustful and let me use the car? after all, i've proven to be a safe driver, getting the car back in good condition (or at least in the condition in which it was lent to me).. argh crap he just doesnt wanna believe that i can actually drive properly now! that or he doesnt wan to let me drive, lest he feels obliged to buy a car to let mi drive..... wateva it is, it's pissing me off....
plus he was very mean to dearie.. he expects him to share a bed with a guy he doesnt even know! okie lemme explain... we'r going genting tmr (like that's not obvious enough.. hehe)... n so in order to make it easier, we're all meeting at my place ("we" means my auntie n her family, and my dajie n my bro in law)... which means my dad's fren will be staying over at my place and so will vin (supposedly...) so thing is we only have one extra rooom in the house.. in the xtra room we only have a queen size bed... so my dad's suggestion is to let that guy stay in the room, n vin too! that's like very disgusting lor.. 1st of all, he does not know that guy.. 2nd of all, i know him and doesnt like him AT ALL.. he's this 30plus year-old who doesnt have a stable career (he just got sacked months ago) and only got a steady girlfren recently... and since he doesnt have a stable job, he doesnt have steady income.. solution? leach off my dad... or any1 who can afford to (that includes someone whom my family quarrelled and still are pissed with).. yea and since he didnt have a steady girlfriend in the past, his solution is to go thailand AT LEAST twice in a year (for more 'innocent' people: he goes there for the prostitutes there)... i mean how disgusting is that?? argh.. so i wont want my bf to be sleeping next to him....
plus when i told my dad that i wun be sleeping tonite and will be playing games with dearie if he comes over... and my dad very hostile-ly said that if we're gonna do that, he cant come over and he has to reach my home 730 in the morning... i mean how unreasonable is that???? crapp.. so i told dearie to stay home.. tmr i go over drive him... im really very pissed with my dad... everything i do today seems to bite his ass and he seems to really wan revenge and thus he gets really mean with me, using very f-up words....... ARGH! im pissed with him...
haiz... to think i was so happy a while ago.. now that im remembering wat my dad did im pissed... bleah...
okie... about today...
this morning i very happy! hee.. dearie came over early morning.. ehm like at 1am.. then we slept.. when we woke up, he had to go orchid country club.. which is all the way in Yishun.. so as agreed yesterday, i drove him, bai n chun (erm the guys that he usually take cab to camp with) to orchid ctry club... i used to live in yishun and so i know my way around there... was very happy to drive my dearie to that place! hee.. to any place!! yea it feels very shiok to drive around la... =)
hmm then i got home, slept n had lunch n (at 4pm) went vin's place... spent the whole day there... dinner play games sleep watch tv... hee.. i lurve his place... but not half as much i love my own room! hehe.. haiz but it's sad how dearie doesnt like my home as much as i lurve his... anyway... was glad to go his place... cos that meant i could get away from my dad...
haiz yea that was my day!

records of fuel $:
23nov03: $20 (vin's mum)
28nov03: $6 (me, cash)
04dec03: $10 (dad, my cashcard)

haha cos im lazy to keep records.. so i shall keep my records here... keke...
okie dokie.. im done for now! checking out in a bit! just wanna say bon voyage to myself!!! hahaha yeap n cya peeps in 4 days.. on wed! hehe BYEEEEE!!!!

(saw this on a car.. have i been reading too much of my eng lang tutorials or does the statement have 2 meanings??)

***drive something out of the ordinary***

genting here i come!!! - 

jazzi craved @ 11:55 PM


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