Wednesday, December 03, 2003

-*- girly girly prommie stufff....  
hey hey hey!! hee.. today is so fun!!! hee.. yeah i slept very late n so woke up very late! hahha like about 2.. yeah n i was supposed to meet kat n huishan at 2!!!! heheh heng we all very late people! hahah ended up, we met at 3!! haha n that idert huishan was SOOOO late..
heheh cos she's helping her fren to find the tape thing that girls stick on their tube to stop it from slipping... hurhur.. cos her prom is tmr!!! so exciting!
i still rem that time my prom (erm which was just last yr........).. i prepared like a madwoman! hahah time at hair place, make up place, nail place. all at far east! hahah yeah but i didnt really like my hair that time though.. too bad.. but i did have sooooooo much fun that day! hahah even though everyone went home after that.. heheh.. well at least i had the prom nite to look back at.. heheh.. that was the only good thing that happened in cj.. erm other than getting to noe the frens i made there la..
ANYWAY, i was toking about huishan's prom! hahah so fun sia! hee.. we so hiao.. we (kat n i) did her nails for her!!! haha cos i have the nail art stencil thingie! hahah so fun! actually i was just hiao-ing! ahah i lurve painting nails!! *eee so girly!!!* heheh yeap that's me... erm ABIT BIT girly.. heheh... i think she was quite happy with the results.. i hope she is... =)
hmm n her dress is quite COOLZ too.. hehe it's 2-piece... yeah i lurrrrrve the top! it's so sexy!!! n not at all slutty! shiok! halter-neck.. erm a slit in the front to show her left side of the stomach... very pringtee... got beads on the right breast... (erm on the top la.......) erm yeah generally it's a simple but special top! i lurrve it!! especially on her.. plus she has the body to wear it n look PRINGTEE!!! yeah n the skirt is not as phenomenal... but not bad la.. heheh yeah as u can tell i don't like the skirt as much as i lurve the top!! hee... but all in all, it's very nice n very pringtee... (hahah due to the late hours, zi's vocab is RATHER limited.............) but it IS pringtee! =p
lalala anyway, kat is laughing at my vocab.. yeah she's sitting right next to me.. wat sia right? i mean blogging is a PERSONAL thing! how can she just sit next to me n watch?? tsk tsk! haha but then again, whoever that's readin this, u might as well have been sitting next to me right? since u can read this too...... haiz am i making sense.. i think i am.... =)
haiz today is a fun day... but i guess it's a little bit bit sad too.. erm cos one of my frens (i shall not disclose her name...) having problems with her bf.. erm or her ex.. whichever la... haiz.... hope she feels better soon........
anyway, that's all for today.... erm well, yesterday (stricly speaking...)....

***Not everything that can be counted counts,
and not everything that counts can be counted***

girly girly prommie stufff.... - 

jazzi craved @ 2:24 AM


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