Saturday, November 29, 2003

-*- pissed  
Dammit.. im so pissed with the stupid singapore immigration shitty building! apparently, it's now called the immigration and checkpoints authority.. chey change name for wat? still lousy services...
anyway, lemme tell ya y im so pissed.. my family n i planned a trip to genting, as some people may noe.. n dearie is going too... so we have to go chop chop his passport so he can get out of singapore.. cos he guy ma.. plus he's serving ns now.. so we went to safra tampines.. we wanna chop chop then chop chop go home.. then as it turns out, dearie's passport is gonna expire on 15 dec 2003 (that's the 10-year expiry thing.. the issue date of his current passport is 15 dec 1993.. so now it's 10 years already.. so his passport is almost expired)... so we have to make a new one right? so we asked the lady at the tampines safra if the stupid immigration place (ICA) is open.. so it's not... at 1 pm on a Saturday it's not open.. as if people who go to the stupid place doesnt have to work on saturdays... the operating hours of the stupid place are like the working hours of offices, which is stupidly lame.. then how do office workers go to do their immigration or passport or IC stuff?!?!?! so lame... have to take leave to do these kinda things.. yes, they have a webbie to let us do the passport stuff... but the webbie is useless... this is y...
so dearie has to renew passport right? so we went home to check the ICA webbie.. for some help.. found out that we can actually apply thru internet (YAY!)... but guess wat... the stupid internet service thing requires a lot of useless info.. ok there's the usual NRIC No/Passport No... then there's the expiry date of current passport.. N (!!!) there's the date of issue of NRIC?!?!!?!?!?! that's useless info.. not to say that dearie is unable to find that out... cos he's an NSF n thus doesnt have an IC... let alone the issue date! crapp system!!! the ica system sux!
so he has to take 1/2-day off on monday.. waste offday lor.. crap system of the immigration of singapore.. it's like they are stopping people from getting out of singapore, ever... n they are stopping the supposed "talents" from registering to be singapore PRs... LAME right?

conclusion: ICA building operating hours sux. ICA webbie is redundant and useless. making passport is super troublesome! n IM PISSED WITH ICA!!! im gonna declare a war on them! hahahahah bleagh!

***The early worm gets eaten by the bird... so sleep late! ***

pissed - 

jazzi craved @ 3:50 PM


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