Thursday, January 08, 2004
-*- in school
hey hey everyone who bothers reading my bloggie! haiz im bored, in school.. have a 2 hrs break.. just had breakfast with kong! haha cant even consider a breakfast la... just a small pathetic pie thingie that doesnt even taste alll that great... haha im now in the engineering fac of nus.. haha shd have stay at my own sheltered n protected fac (arts n social sciences).. here the cluster (ie the rooms where computers are... i wonder y they dun just call it the computer rooms... haha it's ezier to refer to it, am i right? but i digress, here the cluster...) are very quiet.. actually it's eeeeerily quiet.. i feel like im the only one typing.. n everyone else is reading articles of sorts.. so they arent typing at all... either that or this keyboard is exceptionally n embarrassingly loud.. either way, im feeeling kinda embarrassed..but i dun really care, cos this is not even my fac.. n the people are people that i probbably will not even meet ever again (altho there are many chances to meet pple from engin fac... i am taking one engin module as a gem n im taking my sociology module in engin fac....).. but seriously, i dun really care...okie then, now that i have told everyone where i am, i shall update u about my life! hahah.. erm yeah, in my last entry, i was complaining, and whining, and telling everyone how my life is very screwed.. erm now, i feel that it has become much much much better..
first, my personal problems are more or less solved.. (erm ie my family stuff.. nothing too serious, just some relationships problems with family...)...
2nd, i feel as if my life has changed for the better altogether! i got a tv in my room, my home is gonna get cable (cable tv and cable broadband)... which means ill be getting the broadband!!! the fast speed downloads and all!!! im so excited!!it's all happenin in 4 days.. 12th jan.. i look forward to it! hehe..
3rd, my schedule in sch is fixed.. haiz, altho i heard bad news today that change my schedule to a 5day week thing, everything is fine.. i got the modules i had started out to bid for (though i've gotten them all at high prices)... n i got quite a relax schedule... mon: one hr of sch, erm, it's a tutorial, n ill be trying to get the early slot, like 10-11... tell ya y later.. then tues: 10-12 infocomm (icm) lecture.. 1400-1545 living with fluids lect, a gem (there, the gem that requires me to come engin rather regularly... ) then wed: one hr of icm tut.. have yet to choose the time, may be taking the 10-11 slot too.. for the same reason as for mon... thur is my bz day.. 8-18.. haha 8-10 eng lang lect.. 11-12 living with fluids tutorial (which hasnt started yet, which is y i can b so free to b bloggin....).. 12-2 sociology lect (which is in engin too!! so i dun have to travel that much...) then 4-6 is my singapore studies (SS) lecture.. lastly, fri: an hr of SS tutorial n 2 hrs of socio tut.. (timings still unsure.. ) yeap that's my 5day week... eerm the modules are very interesting in my opinion... will say more later...
now, i shall announce the reason for my choosing of early tutorials.. anyone who noes me at all would know that jiazi, being the lazy bum that she is, will choose later slots for tutorials or lectures... but y, oh y, do i wanna choose the earlier slots.. haha the answer is easy, early in the morning (or even late mornings).. my parents dun need the car (cos they usually are sleeping like pigggos).. n yeap u guessed it, i can use the car!!! hahaha yeah!! yeah but i need to confirm with my dad first.. if not ill choose the later slots....
oops.. my fren called me already... im meeting her outside the lecture theatre... so im leaving now!!!!!!!!!
quote is very last minute.. the only thing i can think of right now...... hahhaa...
***life is like a vaccum cleaner...
it sucks.........................................***
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