Thursday, December 04, 2003

-*- "new" room!  
***song in background: Collin Raye - One Boy, One Girl***

whee i feel as tho i have a new room!!! heheh yesh i finallllllly got down to packing my room.. it looks so new!!! hahah new look... as in not totally new... just several things look different! whee so happie!
yea i spent the whole day in my room, trying to shift my com n then packing up the mess... hahah actually it is not very neat now.. but i shifted my computer to my other table in the room... (yea i have 2 tables in my room....) so my original comp table looks so clean now! hahah n my current comp table looks like a computer by itself! hahah all my comp stuff are here.. my CPU, monitor, printer, keyboard n mousie mouse...all on the table.. hehe... hmm the table is very high for my comp.. then when i type i make a lot of mistakes cos im not used to the keyboard being so high.. guess it'll take some time to adapt to.. hee... wah n it was hard work trying to fit every part of the computer stuff into my table! in the end, i decided to leave my scanner somewhere else.. since i use that the least.... so whenever i need it then ill take it out to use.. hmmm but im happy with the result... hahah but i still have a big pile of rubbish behind me now!!! hahaha i live in a dumpster!!!! hee... yeah like pigs do... keke..
yea as everyone can tell by now! im very very very happie about my shifting of comp! hehe.. i dunno about looking neater, but my room sure looks different! n i like changes! so that's enough for me!!! hee.. im lame..
haiz but i think my dad thinks it's still very messy... hahha actually i just tried to straighten all my things la.. so according to him it's not neat unless i throw all my "useless" stuff out.. 'useless stuff' being my plushies!!! which i will nv throw out! they are my precious! hee... all of them.. (btw, i should have almost 30 plushies - i didnt count - on my bed... big n small... hee.. mainly small.....) bleah he's very mean to me right? hhahah yeah but im not gonna so yea....
whhhheee all in all im happy with my 'new' room!!!
yeap that's all folks!!!

***failures are just the roads leading up to a glorious success...***

"new" room! - 

jazzi craved @ 1:34 AM


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