Tuesday, May 10, 2005

-*- moi latest fave pict!  

heheh ya i noe im hiao.. but this pict is significant too u noe!! heheh it's the nicest pict that i have taken with vin's handphone.. whahahahah and also i took it on my dad's birthday! fine not very significant but i love this pict.. cos i love myself.. cos cmon, who doesnt love me? *blushes* haha ya not shy.. ;p
anyway, exams over and im slacking big time now.. having the time of my life man.. i mean im going out everyday and everything.. not to anywhere happening la.. but im still enjoying myself.. and it's only been 5 days! whahahahah oh well, stinking badly now.. went for a pseudo-jog just now.. hahahah *sheepish* but i did jog!!! *defensive* heheh okie... shower time! let's go, rubber duckie!!! *squeak squeak* ;p

moi latest fave pict! - 

jazzi craved @ 11:28 PM


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