Monday, November 08, 2004

-*- SURPRISE! an update!  
heheh yupperz sorry for not updating since forever.. been HECTIC!!! sooo busy i dun understand y! oh well, all that busy-ness is over! hahah alllllll my projs and assignments are ALL done and handed in! got some grades back and all.. so all's fine and happy! ;p but guess what.. that means that EXAMS are coming!! scary!! *frantic* hahah oh well, trying hard to mug everyday! hahah weelllll, noeing me, im failing terribly... hahaha i think i hvnt felt the stress yet.. hehe a bit slow la me.. nonetheless, im trying to study at least a bit everyday! so ya.. now my room has converted from little jiazi entertainment hub into messy little jiazi mugger space! hahah here's a picture to show ya how messy it is! hehe

heheh so ya so many things on my MAHJONG TABLE!!! heheh my study table is a mahjong table la.. hmm lemme say some stuff about the things on my table... basically, it's very messy.. has a lot of things on it.. erm coffee! and plain water, to drink after i drink kopi. lest my teeth turn yellow.. ;p
erm my pretty pens!! i need them, if not studying will be SOOO boring!
notes are like duh la? hehe subject for the day is IF.. info comm and mgmt.. ya.. i think the lect notes and everything are too simple.. makes me very worried about the exam.. feels as if they're not enough.. hope it's just simple module.. heheh cos this module was supposed to be cancelled one..just that there were a lot of students, so they managed to last min get a substitute lecturer willin to commit for the whole sem.. from ntu.. so this module wasnt very well planned at all la.. so ya.. maybe this will make the papers much easier? hahhaha!!
hmm and my trusty organizer is something i cant do without! my planner.. my organizer.. haha it's where i put ALL my exam details and all.. my module stuff also.. hehe so that's VERY impt!! hee..
last thing on my table.. hehe its this TW drama serial VCD set.. well it's this show that i've been wanting to watch since forever.. but didnt wanna buy the VCD.. then my sis went to buy it, passed it to me last week, asking me to watch.. but i cant.. since exams coming.. so it's my motivation to study so i can get the exams over and done with, so i can watch it!!!! wahhaha lame i noe.. but motivates me sometimes.. either that or im just leaving it there to rot! hahahah ;p
anyway, some stuff missing from the pict are:
1) my handphones!!! cant live without them, so cant study without them either! hahah when im bored ill start forwarding msges to pple.. hahah very boliao hor? but ya i do fwd a lot of msges sometimes..
2) my keyboard.. hahah ya i put my keyboard on my study table also.. so i can control the winamp on the com from my study table.. hahah too lazy to keep turning to change the songs if i dun like. so ya.. have the keyboard on my study table is very useful! ;p hmmm i think that's all i need to study! heheh
3)ooooh! and my trusty dictionary!!!!! heheh ya, sometimes read notes dun understand so must check.. hahah lousy at english.. cant blame me... ;p
hmm ya that's it lor.. so while preping for exams, my room is a major mess.. but seriously, who cares man? hehe k la.. gotta go.. hahah actually am playing upwords on msn with dearie... ;p been playing msn games so often lately.. hehe hooked on Solitaire Showdown! hahaha well, must concentrate on my game liao!!!
BYEEEE.. ill write soon again i hope.. ;p

SURPRISE! an update! - 

jazzi craved @ 5:58 PM


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