Tuesday, October 19, 2004
-*- hello? anyone here?
how long has it been? forever? man im so beat everyday i can sit myself down to do an entry.. terribly sorry.. im not ignoring my blog.. hahah im just blogging less.. and guess what? im readin less blogs too... im sooooo tired everyday, all i do is my assignments and all! *misery* i mean im not hating it, but im tired from it.. im still happy to be studying and still loving to study and all.. but im just tired... and whiny.. hahah i noe im whining excessantly.. but seriously, if i dont whine here, where else?oh well, just a quick little update, b4 i jump into my dajie's bed and sleep (the aircond in my room is spoilt, so i have to go downstairs to the room my dajie use to occupy before she married):
-vin has had the op and is now officially a bai kah.. hehe.. he's moving around in crutches (and i keep saying cLutches!!! @_@) he's also recovering, i hope.. well at least i think he is la... he's awfully bored at home all day everyday.. poor baby.. but i do go over almost everyday to keep him company.. and it's almost impossible juggling my school stuff! but for him, i'd do it... just to go over to accompany him.. :) hmm i think that's y im so beat everyday.. hehe
-my projs are all almost due.. one is this wed, which is effectively, tmr.. but that's been done and all's fine with that one.. a bit sad that this one is ending though.. this is my fave proj la.. we started very early and we ended early.. and it's a great job done. im happy..
another 3 projs are due next week, one on wed and two on thur... stress huh? erm let's see, there's one due on wed, that's the infocomm one.. erm well for this, apparently, more is not better.. i wrote a 7 page plus writeup on 2 websites for this.. (we're supposed to analyse website based on PR theories and all).. and guess what, my lecturer says it's too much! god i didnt noe what to say lor.. cos my grpmates were like all saying they write a lot yada yada, then turns out, 7 pages is way more than their "alot"... dumb.. oh well, about that one, im done with reducing the pages to almost half.. abour 4.5 pages.. so im waiting for the grp meeting on fri to settle the grp part of the writeup and also the presentation...
hmm another 2 projs due on thu.. one is psycholinguistics... and it's another proj that i lurve.. but it's a very short one.. just a 1000 word thingie.. so ya.. and we're done with it.. we were done last fri *beams with pride*
hmm another one is the mkt proj and it sucks.. well,it's the grp that has the bitch that i hate.. so ya im not gonna tok about it.. it sucks.. and we're soooo way behind time. bummer.
so ya.. other than the projs, there were assignments too.. but i shant bore u further.. (that's if there's anyone still reading this)
-i had two presentations last week and both went bad.. hahah for one, it was EL, and the concept was quite chim, some parts were hard to grasp, and thus very hard to explain, and i think i made quite a big fool.. but the tutor was nice enough to say that it was a great job.. hehe
well, another one is mkt..(it's like i have one proj, plus report, and one tutorial assignemtn, plus report, like what the hell right... *_*) ya so for this, i was the first to present and guess what! i forgot to mention out nameS!!! wahhahahahahah i think my grpmates were quite sianneded..hahah i think they really very suay to have gotten me for their proj.. but then again, i think it's them, that's y i so bochup about this mod.. hmm if i fail i shall blame them.. anyway, so i not only forgot to mention our names, i forgot a lot of points in my presentation.. hahhaha so well, presentations this sem aint that great.. hehe
oh i think that's all... im telling u, there are more boring stuff ( more boring-stuff and/or more-boring stuff) to talk about.. but im sure no one bothers.. and guess what, im too lazy to type anyway.. so ya.. cheerios peeps! take good care!!!
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