Saturday, September 18, 2004
-*- quizzes..
hmm after so long of very boring days.. i decide that i must brighten up my blog with some pretty pictures from quizzes.. hahah same ol' thing.. quizzes are stuff to put on blog when i dont feel like blogging... so here goes.. erm, enjoy? heh...Quiz One

You're a Confident Chica
You're a total superstar - and you know itEven if no one else does (in which case you'll remind them)
You hate to admit that you're wrong... even to yourself
Your life is great - and you've thankful for every great thing you have
Are You Confident? Take This Quiz :-)
Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.
yeah im a confident person! wahahah but sometimes i can be very thick skinned.. it's a thin line i noe... but im usually just confident.. *beaming smile* wahahahahahhahahah
Quiz Two
You have Pink Wings! And, the name says it all.Pink is a color which represents girly, young, stubborn images, and you are a reflection of it. Though many see you as spoiled and bratty, you know its only because you know what you want and how to get it. With adding on being very stubborn, you are also very determined, and you ALWAYS get what you want. People are fooled by your girly exterior-you can prove them wrong. Even though you seem young at heart, you realize the world may not always fair, and keep your distance with some.
What Color are your wings?(Mainly for Girls)Beautiful Pix!
brought to you by Quizilla
omg! do u see those dolphins?? ahhhh so cute!! mi lovie dolphins... hmm ya i guess i can be girly sometimes? and luckily nowadays i still like pink.. so hahah im fine with having pink wings!! hmmm but it's so darn true that life is always unfair! that's y i must ALWAYS get what i wanT! *wide innocent girly grinz* wahahahah
Quiz Three

Your Wondering eyes. Your not quite focused and your quite the day dreamer. Your a bit odd and as many say "Your head is in the clouds."
What type of eyes do you have?
brought to you by Quizilla
oh MY!!! i love the eyes in the pict! seriously wouldnt mind having eyes like that!! hahah.. hmm i hv wonderin eyes?? i think more like stoning eyes la.. or cant be bothered eyes.. i think i have this ability to look damn bitchy and not care about things during lessons.. hahah cos there's this grp of guys in my tut that seems to dislike me and im pretty sure it's cos i dont give a damn during my tutorials! wahahah... *roll eyes* as if i care if they like me! wahahah
yupperz! a lot of new quizzes out there.. but do i wanna do them? not really.. heh so did only three.. good enough.. that took half an hour u noe! haha cos i did a lot but didnt like the picts.. or they didnt have picts.. so ya.. :) okie dokie.. off liao! byeee~!
*gazes at everyone with my alluring, wonderin eyes.... blink.. blink..*
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