Saturday, October 09, 2004
-*- aint gonna watch no more singapore idol
i'm gonna boycott singapore idol! not that i watch every episode, but the ones that i do watch disappoint me a lot. first there was beverly who got in (yes zarn, i noe she's "good", i just dont like her..) then she got out.. but with the jess girl.. what rubbish? if people like daphne teh khoo can stay, y cant jess? or even bev? then the stupid jerry didnt get voted out? i bet it's purely his church trying to help.. what the hell? like the turn off sun ho..urgh...and yesterday was a major turn off and a humungous disappointment.. david yeo is one of the better ones u noe! what seh.. in my mind, david yeo, olinda, and taufiq can go far.. (or even maia!!! i like her! she's cool!but not as good as the three...) people in singapore dunno how to vote. sucks!
i noe what people say of david yeo.. suck up la, act guai la.. that kinda thing.. but does it deny his good singing? no! (not that i agree with the comments.. he's really endearing!) dammit.. it's outrageous! i think people are just jealous of him cos he's gonna be a lawyer.. damn.. and did he stop his studies for this?? damn this sucks..
and to think people like the teh bitch can stay? i think i REALLY cant stand her voice.. urgh. *shudders* and she so doesnt fit to be a singapore IDOL! guess what, today i was at far east loitering around waiting for my proj mates to arrive and i saw this woman that looks like daphne teh khoo.. then i was thinking in my head.. if it was really daphne teh khoo, ill just go 7-11 and buy eggs to throw at her face.. im serious! that was really what i was thinking! i dunno y im so against her, but i just am! *roll eyes*
anyway, i aint gonna watch stupid idol anymore. it's a scam. i think the jerry ass bribed the computer people (who tally the votes) so he can stay in the competition.. there's no way he can stay there so long.. hmmm as for daphne, she's not that smart, she just takes her hp and keep sending sms to vote for herself.. i would think her bill for this month is about $5000.. since no one else but the turn-off that gurmit interviewed in the show voted for her.. and btw, the taufiq fren is way cooler than the bum fren of daphne teh khoo.. urgh. cant stand her.
oh well, actually i cant be bothered about her.. since she's not even the slightest important in my life.. i wouldnt waste my effort to hate her, i shall be indifferent... *roll eyes*
***david yeo is good! and singapore is blind!!!***
aint gonna watch no more singapore idol -
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