Tuesday, August 10, 2004

-*- "some of them are retarded"  
that's the comment that the mean old Glenn Ong gave.. with regards to the contestants of the oh-so-anticipated Singapore Idol last night..
i managed to catch it (the Singapore Idol).. and realised that some people would do anything to get the 10 secs of erm, fame... the guy who stripped for example... man this is a show looking for talents!! not shamelessness... it's like it's bad enough that u dont noe how to sing well, u are disgracing yourself by stripping! urgh! and he wasnt even embarrassed (or he didnt seem) about the judges' bewildered expressions and laughter - targetted at his shameless act.. seriously, if he feels that he erm, has the erm, talent, then show it! stand there like a normal person and sing, for goodness sake!! if one has to resort to this kind of means to start a career in singing, he probably cannot make it.. even if he does make it (right.......), it'll be a shame to remember how he started singing - by stripping in front of four renowned individuals of the entertainment circle.. and in front of the people in for a laugh in front of the tv... that's rubbish, plus he seriously cant make it. not his face not his body and definitely not his singing (or did he sing at all?)... i couldnt bear to look at his performance! urgh.
and there was the lemon tree william hung wannabe guy? man that was such an embarrassment! imagine the people from overseas who happened to watch the show! they would be thinking that singapore is an embarrassment, with people who dare do these things! self choreography? erm what with the victory signs (v*_*v) uncovering his eyes? and the swinging off the arms all over? damn that was lousy dancing.. if i cant dance, i wont try it in front of national tv! keyword is try... and he dare say that he had performed in front of his friends and they laughed at him.. well if they laughed at you, maybe there was something wrong with ur performancE! how to get these simple concept into the thick skulls of these people, i dont know.. urgh.
oh, and the careless whisper guy? hmm i wonder, maybe he didnt remember the words.. but seriously, i doubt anyone would have known... i mean, yes i know, the song is careless whisper, but need you whisper? and he demanded the judges for comments!!!! they were all laughing at him already, must he do that??? if i were him, i would have just ran out in disgrace!!! damn if i were a judge, i would go in front n killed him there and then... together with the lemon tree guy and the stripper.. and this careless whisperer didnt give up even after they rejected him about thousand times! on his way out he was still trying to sing.. erm, apparently, he sings with his stomach..
i have to say this.. they did make an impression, albeit a lousy one, on a lot of people.. but i wouldnt want to do this kinda thing on national tv, ever.. now, maybe if i were given a million dollars......................................
but... (luckily, in life, there's always a "but" to make things better)... there were several rather potential ones! erm there was the girl with the supposed auntie dressing.. i mean she so do not look auntie lor! maybe retro? hehz. but i feel that makeovers are so commonplace that looks dont matter.. in this case, im sure she'll turn up the next time looking much better! and she is one that i really like.. maybe it's the looks, but definitely cos her singing is rather impressive.. and she was very natural.. i noticed little or no makeup on her, and she already looked good! and the little girl ponytail thing? it may not be very commercial, but she looked good enough! her smile, i have to agree with the ken guy, is very captivating.. good potential!
erm there was this other geeky looking guy? his voice, not bad! his dress sense, erm, well.. zero? but at least he was given a 2nd chance? so, he'd better go do a makeover and come back to impress... not just with his voice, but with his image too, maybe?
oh.. and there were the disappointment of the rejects.. i feel for some of them, esp the rocky guy.. he was soooo sincere and real! he came all the way from shanghai! i mean, yes, he's chinaman... but he isnt like the other chinaman that are sooo turn-offs. and since i doubt china will have this Idol competition.. (erm i doubt they'll b able to find anyone good anyway...) so he came all the way.. so sincere! at first i was put off by his stubbornness.. refused to leave unless they gave him a 2nd chance.. and his singing werent great at all.. yes, maybe for opera.. but idol music? maybe not.. and he seemed so deluded and all.. but under all the delusion was his determination.. i really admire him for that.. and it was rather touching when he cried.. he must have gathered so much courage and must have had so much hope and to have everything burst here.. poor thing.. and i think gurmit singh was soo encouraging!!! i bet he was gonna cry.. as were i.. i feel for him.. cos his perseverance is the true spirit that all contestants should have.. and i do hope he makes it somewhere else, like opera or something.. not a cynic remark.. but a sincere blessing..
many more rejects and much more shamelessness... and several attitude problem cases.. one example, was the indian woman who said she'll go for a makeover (good one!) but wouldnt change much cos she likes the way she is (*failed attempt at showing confidence and self-love*)... i mean it's hurting, but yes, the public does want to see what they like, not so much what the artistes like.. so ya.. makeovers are definitely essential for a lot of them..
oh, there was the other attitude case.. the rather goodlooking guy? had great english and great dress sense, good body and quite okay face.. and of cos, he had the most important thing.. the voice.. he has a nice voice.. reminded me a bit of Fei Xiang.. i noe that sounds orbit.. but Fei Xiang was the hotman of the 80s (or was it 70s? 60s?).. his voice was as manly as Fei Xiang and it appealed to me.. but his attitude.. he should have practiced several times more! and he shd have showed a better attitude.. i mean, the judges had to sit there all day everyday for god knows how long to listen to people sing not up to standard.. its sucky as it is.. and to have people forget their lyrics just becos he doesnt wanna pin too much hope on the show? just becos he is a busy man? i think that dampens everything.. HOWEVER, i would give him a 2nd chance, if i were a judge..(ok maybe if i were a judge, i would have been arrested for killing the lemon tree guy and the careless whisper guy and the stripper.. but well.. im not, that's y im blogging.. haha).. see if he does have the drive that he supposedly will develop,.. after all, he has the image, and definitely the voice.. but oh well, too bad..
anyhow, i feel that this Singapore Idol is interesting.. and like Glenn Ong, i would look forward to it, for entertainment sake.. and i will try my best to not laugh... but i do sincerely hope more good singers will appear.. and good luck to the contestants! and goodbye to the shame (hopefully)...
finally, i would like to express my admiration for those who seriously believed that they could make it, and gave it a serious effort to try their best. i bet even if they cant make it in the singing business, they will make it big in their own life.. at least they sincerely gave it a full effort shot..
so i would like to say: "some of them are retarded"

"some of them are retarded" - 

jazzi craved @ 7:50 AM


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