Monday, August 09, 2004
-*- best weekend!
the week started with vin informing me that he won't be booking out early on saturday.. but at least he has a long weekend.. thanx to the independence of singapore today 39 yrs ago... merdeka! hahah so at least we can have something like a normal weekend, cept that it starts on saturday nite and ends on mon night? :)so the oh-so-boring weekdays passed by minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day.. and without a car, my weekdays seemed much much much longer.. but soon...... weekend!!!!! erm well, technically speaking, to me, weekends start on fri evening!! and since i had something interesting on fri evening, i shall all the more talk about the weekend as of fri!!!
after a looooooong time and a lot of failed attempts, me and my cj pals FINALLY met up, just four of us!!! man that was a rare opportunity!!! i treasured it like mad!! heheh... well, started at about 6? when i left my house in a mess, looking like the mad woman that i always do.. cos i was rushing.. was supposed to go save the poor animal lovers from the torture of their lives - picking out non-innocent-looking crabs for dinner.. hahah but well, as ALWAYS, i was late.. so the two little harmless poor souls had to force themselves to pick out the ones that werent looking at them accusingly.. hahz! anyway, so i reached joey's place at about 7? and i was the earliest!! hahah.. oh well, that's a first! hahah so we had the not so innocent looking crabs for dinner.. man the chilli crabs were yummas! and the kangkong and the tofu? deeeeeelish! *slurp*
after dinner, since none of us wanted the night to end (erm, plus it was only 9 plus.. hahahah).. we decided to try out ktv.. erm the keyword is try... we went to some sleazy ktv place along changi road and got no rooms.. hahah and yeah jem is right in saying that we were the only young ones at the sleazy ktv with ah peks and aunties.. hahah but oh well, we ended up at east coast.. great wind, great company, some good songs for music, and the best thing? it was us... us 4.. finally.. we chatted and drank (lime jud!) and just enjoyed the peace (?) of the sea and the wind that lets us feel so cool... erm, but also very cold! hahahah.. so in the end, we went to jemmimimok's place! to just sit and talk some more!!! heheh left her place super late... but glad that joey kept her promise of getting me home by 3.....
was a fantabulous night.. so happy to be able to hang out with my darling cj pals again! after all, it was really hard to get all four together without the interruptions of other people...
so anyway, since i slept late, i woke up late.. hahah at about 2? so slack slack slack till about 5.. went to take the car from the workshop (erm, not the one that i dented.. was another one,.. my sis got into an accident two days after me.. and the cefiro went into the workshop like 2nd time in about 3mths? poor cefie..) ANYWAY, went to get the car with dad and left to pick vin up to go back to bedok and have my carrot cake!!! i love carrot cake!!! must be black black chilli duo duo!!! hahahah lately i just love black carrot cake la! oh but the one i had on saturday evening wasnt black.. :(
hahah so we spent a quiet evening at home, just playing games.. we got this new game!!! it's called Typer Shark.. hahaah download it at: popcap games!!! it's a very fun and brainless game! all u have to do is type the words on the screen!!! hahahah yah so we spent the rest of the evening playing that.. after that i "tucked" vin in.. heheh it's such bliss to watch him sleep.. i would have looked at him for as long as i could.. but i was too tired.. hahah so i was worried i'd fall asleep.. and so i left after 20 mins of looking.. heheh it's like i love him so much that i can spend forever looking at him sleep with such serenity... in such peace that you cant bear to leave him!! *googoogahgah* hahah oh well, im too mad about him!
and comes sunday! sunday was the day that my parents left for kukop (erm, some msia place... i dunno how to spell.. hahah)... so my house was all empty and all, leaving me alone at home.. (cos my 2nd sis also went overseas.. she went bali..) and so i asked vin over.. we went for breakfast and went for some supermarketing.. and bought some stuff for our lunch and dessert for dinner!!! hahah i made a, erm, slightly low fat lunch of tuna mayo salad. (tuna salad mayo. or watevr)... and for dessert for dinner, he made us choc!!! erm it's called rocky road!! shiok-a-doo-doo!!! hahah cept that the marshmellows werent sticky or somethin... but it was grrrrreat nonetheless!! *wide grinz* i still have a lot in the fridge!!! heheh im gonna be sooo fat..
while having lunch, we played oh so boring chess.. haha and the super fun Game of Life!!! hahaha was so fun being so lame playing silly games with the person u love soooo much!!! heheh
hmm then i cooked dinner... (erm in a sense..) i used the soup that my mum made for me and put a lot of ingredients in!!! and viola! our dinner.. hahah and some dumplings thingie and fried rice that my dad bought on saturday evening... the dinner was great.. but of cos! i was with my beloved dear!!! :P
after dinner was a brief mahjong session! hahah i miss playing mj! meanie vincent doesnt wanna play mj anymore.. hahah but he was nice and entertained me.. hahah... after mahjong was movie!!!
watched the village.. actually i just got home from the movie! hahah erm, my view on the movie? great twist.. i mean at first u would think it's dumb.. but i think it's very clever a plot.. im totally impressed by the plot and the directing.. hahah not a big fan of thrillers tho.. so i was grabbing onto vin's arm throughout the entire show.. poor thing.. hahah but great show! i give it 4 popcorns! out of 5!!! most of the credit goes to the plot.. definitely.. amazing plot i must say! this movie is: a must-watch! ;p
oh well, i better get to bed.. hahah poor vin is sleeping in my parents' room alone.. im going to bed also liao!!! bye!!! -yawns-
***i had the most amazing weekend!***
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