Friday, July 09, 2004
-*- im bored and blogging..
haiz man im so bored.. y didnt i shower earlier?!???? man im so sian.. now i have to wait for my dumb mess of hair to dry before i can go to bed!!! argh!haha well, i think i deserve it... didnt shower early.. reading mag till i lost track of time.. then even when dearie called and made me realise that it was 1 am already, i still didnt go shower.. silly dumb me..
oh well, by the time i finished reading the mag, it was already 4am! (hahah cos i wasnt really reading.. was staring into space.. very blur tonight..) bleh.. went for my extremely late and extremely hot shower... hot as in temperature, mind u.. so now im staring at the com, waiting for my hair to dry.. heh luckily i have a fren who's chatting with me,.. he lives in US, so his time is 1pm in the afternoon.. haah so we're chatting my hair dry! hahah
haiz im so tired! bleh.. but i have to wash hair.. see, for me, the point of showering is to wash my hair.. otherwise, i feel that there's no need to shower.. hahah i feel that there's no way that my body can be dirtier than my hair, considering the minute i sweat, most of it will come from forehead rather than body.. and directly, my hair will be dirty.. and since my hair is so long, alot of contact with the air.. and thus, easier to get dirty..
hahah so i cant bear not washing my hair.. though i cant bear not washing my body either.. hahah so i wash my hair and body alot.. hahah and the worst thing is, when i shower, i take very long... so say if i shower thrice a day (which i do, when i work.. i shower before and after work.. and after i come home from going out at night after work...) i will have to waste about 3 hours in my day.. hahah not a waste to me, but to many other people, they could make better use of the 3 hours, rather than shower.... hahah well, but i love having long showers, even if it means standing there for as long as i shower.. (well, if u noe me well, im a lazy person and doesnt like to stand.. hahah) i love to have the hot water splashing on me, and just stand there and feel my body get warmer.. damn shiok la..
hmmm well, all about my showers.. hahah my deep dark secrets.. haha.. hahah not very deep nor dark.. hahah everyone noes how long i take to shower.. that's y im always so late.. bleh.. but hey, i changed a lot liao.. im late less often!! haha that's a major change yanoe! haha bleh
haiz i think im too bored to blog.. oh man, my fren doesnt seem to want to chat anymore.. he's not replying!!! arhhhh!!! haha there goes my company...
hahah doesnt matter..i can still watch an episode of the taiwanese show i've finished watching but am re-watching.. it's such a good show.. not like those meteor garden crapshit.. it's got an extremely touching storyline and the most superb and fantabuloustic acting (once again, unlike the lousy ass crap meteor garden..)!! the characters are all so very much victims of fate and they all have their poor destinies.. haiz.. so poor thing.. and worst of all, i dunno who to hate when a character is all heartbroken and all... man. it's such a great show... oh anyway, it's called "at the dolphin bay" (hai tun wan lian ren, 海豚湾恋人)super touching show!! everyone should watch it!! hahah i have the vcd if anyone wants to borrow.. hahah
okie then i shall go watch my love story!!! byeeeeee
--hmm my fren replied.. apparently he quarrelled with his girl.. poor guy..
***i am so in love with the love show!***
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