Wednesday, June 30, 2004
-*- meanie me...
im so mean! haiz as everyone knows, i had been looking for tuition jobs since like forever... so on monday, i accepted an assignment.. pri 6, english maths and chinese.. every week twice. each 1.5 hours, at serangoon..so i accepted it liao right? was supposed to be there now. haiz well, no longer.. cos i called my agency TWO hours ago.. and told them i wanted to cancel.. cos it's too little for too much.. it's alllllllllll the way in serangoon!!! goodness!! damn far.. and even if i drive it's quite far.. quite only.. but still far.. haiz .. plus it's only $180.. i noe i noe.. it's $15 per hour liao.. but if i travel to and fro, in the end i may be getting way less than $180 per month..cos i have to pay the petrol, the carpark(which i had thought i can just escape from but my dad says i have to put.. hahahah) and not considering the wasted fri evenings that i can spend long weekends with my dearie...
haiz so i called to cancel.. haiz i think the agency quite.. erm make it extremely unhapi with me.. cos i very irresponsible.. haiz i feel the same.. but lemme explain my irresponsible action..
like i said, it's super far.. so i wont earn enough.. 2nd if it's so far, i will become disinterested.. and will give up eventually.. which is not wat i wanna do.. cos i dun wanna waste the student's time.. i noe, u may say that im making excuses.. maybe i am.. but before i even went i ws already a bit sian of the distance liao.. i was excited that i got a student.. but the distance too much liao.. a bit siannening..
3rd, if i go for a week or two then give up, i wont get any money at all! haiz cos the commission is the 2nd week take one so if i go for two weeks ill be tuitioning for the agency to earn my money.. haiz so after some considerations, i called the woman up and cancelled..
haiz i felt soooo bad... well, cos i was determined not to waver, so i kept lying.. said that my this other student wanna increase his lessons.. so i cant take new assignments.. haiz i feel very bad.. but after that i felt a lot better.. cos the agent was quite unhappy and said that my parents are unreasonable... cos they were talking in the background. said something that she shdnt force me to pay her the 50% commission.. which she was saying that i must pay her the commission cos i cancel last minute.. haiz it was reasonable for her to say la.. but then again if i can pay her money i wont need to work would i? haiz so ya.. then she said my parents are rude and all... which made me quite pissed...
so i decided not to be nice and all softspoken (cos i was in the wrong, so my apologies were all kind and soft and reasonable, hopefully she wont be too unhapy).. and said that all i can do is to find a replacement for her.. tat kinda thing... then it all ended with her hanging up the phone on me.. which made me feel much much much better.. cos even if im super pissed with anyone, i wont hang up on her.. haiz not that im mean, but if her attitude wasnt that bad i would have been more sorry.. haiz oh well but im terrible mean too.. so ya..
but now, the thing is over.. i think what im gonna do is to go slot my own pamphlets and hope that someone will call me and ask me to tuition their kids.. haiz im mean...
***i am mean mean meanie me!***
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