Saturday, June 26, 2004
-*- primary school gathering..
hehe aint that cute? i had a primary school gathering!!! quite fun la actually.. cos we havnt met up in years... and seriously years!! some of them i totally didnt see since pri 6.. haha so tat's 8 yrs? hmm loong time!! hmm but those that went today i did see them last time i went for gathering i think.. erm and that was like sec 2?hahah actually was very nice feeling to have met up with them.. all thanx to friendster, everyone got back into contact with everyone (well most of us...).. so one of them decided to have a gathering.. so she arranged and got everyone to contact whoever they can.. so we all did.. and i got two of my pri sch kakis!! hahah we were the *ahem* erm... er famous.. erm ahem .. famous six.. hahha erm obviously, there were 6 of us... and we hung out very often everyday after school before remedial.. rocks! hahah so today i only managed to get two out of the four that i still keep in contact with..
ya so we went orchard to eat... quite fun la.. hehe cos everyone told everyone how everyone else is doing.. erm there were a total of about 15 people? i think.. but only about 9 of us stayed for the whole dinner.. ehm i think 9 of them met then i joined them, at wisma..(10)then one guy left.. (hahah i was late for about an hour.. then when they gave up waiting for me, i told them i was already coming down the wisma lift and told them to wait for me at the aquarium.. hheh and they were nice enough to wait.. hehe..) then we went paragon.. and one guy joined us..(11) then we went into spageddies of paragon, and another girl joined us(12), followed by another guy(13).. then he went off after like 5 mins.. cos he had to rush for a movie.. then we started dinner.. and lastly, one more girl joined us(14)... so about 15 of us.. heheh
actually the gathering was really quite fun la.. mainly cos me and my two kakis chatted like we didnt belong to the group.. haahahha the rest was chatting happily and then the 3 of us, plus the last girl who joined us, chatted in our own world! haha cos we havent met for years and we were damn kaki last time.. so must update one another ma.. hehe ;p
haiz so just like that we talked and talked.. until it was getting very late.. like 10.. hahah i noe 10 is damn early.. but i had planned to leave at 9 becos i had another bbq to go to.. haiz sadly i didnt go that bbq.. when dearie called me and asked me where i was (at 10pm), i was still at spageddies and the bbq had ended.. too bad for me i guess.. hehe cos i had actually really wanted to go.. cos he's quite a good friend.. sorry monkey!!!! not that he reads my blog anyway.. hahah
oh well, no point being sorry about it, since it's now tooooo late and im already back at dearie's place.. heheh but i think the bbq went well.. cos the food was all gone at 10!! and it started at like 7? so i conclude that it went pretty well... ;)
and the pri school gathering went very well!! quite happy to have gone.. :P was glad to see so many of them.. and many of the guys actually changed.. hehe veyr fun la.. am happy... hehehe... and especially happy to see my two darling kakis.. even though i see one of them quite often in school.. haahah same fac la.. ;p
so anyway, just wanted to blog about my pri sch gathering.. hehe still find it very cute, cos it's pri sch gathering... primary school leh!!! heheh
but from the dinner, it's very obvious that i have forgotten alot of the things and people from the past... even though it's just 8 yrs ago.. hehe but fond memories, there are still quite a handful.. so am glad, quite happy today... :D
***i am happy to have gone to the primary school gathering!**
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