Tuesday, June 29, 2004
-*- names... and names.. and names...
hello all! im so bored!!! so decided to do this!!!X | Xenophobic |
U | Unforgettable |
J | Juicy |
I | Influential |
A | Amazing |
Z | Zonked |
I | Industrious |
check this out!! this is me!! hehehe.. hmm im not xenophobic!!! erm, maybe just towards foreigners from certain countries la.. erm *ahem* certain countries.. hahahaha... but hey! im definitely unforgettable and amazing!!! not to say influential!! ;p
next up: my dearie!
V | Virtuous |
I | Industrious |
N | Naughty |
C | Confused |
E | Exquisite |
N | Normal |
T | Tempting |
F | Funky |
U | Unreal |
hahahahahh virtuous my ass!!! haha but he's definitely industrious.. when he wants to win, he tries his best to win! and u noe wat, he wants to win in everything... so the hardwork is motivated by his wanting to win evrything! hahah and he's not normal!!! he's sooooo special!! hehe so so so special to ME!! hehe
next up: zarnnie!!!
Z | Zonked |
E | Eccentric |
N | Nutty |
hahah well, zen IS a bit nutty... hahahah
next up: jemimimimimimimimok!!!
J | Jolly |
E | Exhausting |
M | Modern |
huh? exhausting?!?! hahah that i dunno.. but jolly! heheh makes me picture her like a fat fat cuddly santa claus!! hahah
next up: joey-roo!!!
J | Jolly |
O | Odd |
E | Enchanting |
Y | Yucky |
NOO!!! joey is not yucky! hrmph!!! stupid thing! but hey, u are enchanting!!! erm in a good way la! :P
next up: lizzzzzzzzzie!!!
L | Luxurious |
I | Ideal |
Z | Zany |
A | Astounding |
R | Radiant |
D | Dainty |
hah! dainty?!?!?!?!?!?!? *sees a lot of question marks above my head* hahaah erm liz u r so not dainty... dunno man dainty gives me a very domestic feeling.. so ya.. haha but hey, erm a consolation: u are zany!!! wahahahah wahahahahahah wahahahahhahaha!!!!
next up: weewee!!!
W | Wicked |
E | Edgy |
E | Emotional |
L | Light |
E | Exquisite |
N | Natural |
G | Glamorous |
hahah now! see arh wee wee, i got include u arh!!! heheh but this thing is sooooo wrong!! cept for the first line, the rest all doesnt describe u! bleh.. hahhah
Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com
haha okie that's the end of my lameness!! these are the acros of the people that DO read my bloggie and whom mi luvviess lots!! heheh erm if u wanna do one of these for yourself on ur own blog, just enter ur name above k? *wide grinz* okie! sign off now!! hehe byeeeeeee!!!
names... and names.. and names... -
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