Friday, July 02, 2004
-*- back from work, tired but smiling..
boo all!! hahah im back from my survey job!! erm actually i was back an hour ago.. just that i rested downstairs.. so didnt blog immediately.. haha anyway, ill be leaving in a bit to meet moi friend!!! darlin zarn!!! hehehso anyway, today was my 2nd day doing the survey.. erm this assigment actually 2 days only.. hahah so today was my last day also! hahahah
and guess what! im *SO* tired!!! hahah started at about 11.. then work till about 1... when my supervisor came and we tallied everything and went for lung (which i didnt eat)... then at 2.30, we started again..
before 1, i finished about 6, out of which there were 3 *ahem* i cheated a bit.. wahahha cheated quite a bit.. hahah but nvm la.. then the other 3 i think i also cheated a bit.. cos the survey is tooo damn hard.. so have no choice but pakat with the respondents.. if not very hard to do la.. haiz... so 6 before lunch... after lunch, i did another 5 i think.. wasnt very good, cos i slackened a lot.. was tired liao.. hahaha so i did 5 (out of which one of them is my uncle and one is another cheat)... hahah i very cheaterbug.. but the uncle one is true one.. hahah
so at 5, we stopped everything liao.. by the time, we;ve tallied everything and my friend and i were given more quota to be taken home to do.. haha so all in all, i've done 6 (from yesterday) + 11(from today) + 5 (quota given to me to bring home)!!!! tat's 22!!!!!! shiok man! i shd have told them to come bedok yesterday!!! truth is, it IS a lot easier than at AMK! and people here are more friendly.. so ya.. plus the flow of people is higher, which means higher chances of getting more people!!! so today was shiok day!!!
hahah i cant stop smiling man!!! when i was on my way home la.. hahah cos i earned like $132 in a day!!! man! if only i could work for this survey thing for everyday!!! hahah but it is precisely because it's so limited and very rare that they are willing to pay more.. cos fewer people will be willing to do this kinda job.. hahah cept for students la.. hahah ;p
hahah so im happy! happier than ever! about the job stuff la! hahah so glad that i have this company to come to whenever im broke! hahah
oh, but one downside.. i cant get the money till they verify everything and confirm that i did my job well.. hahah so that'll be earliest next month... but hey, if i had done my tuition job thing, i would be getting like $90 at the end of one month.. so about the same la.. hahah oh well.. at least im happier this way... *beeeeeeg wide grinz*
and guess what! i feel richer.. even though i may just spend all the money at once when i get it, ill feel shiok that i have the money to spend!!! hahahah ;p
***i am almost very rich!***
back from work, tired but smiling.. -
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