Wednesday, June 16, 2004
-*- ***warning***
a very long entry about a very short trip
wheee im back! and very rested! slept at 8 plus last nite, woke up at 10 plus, chatted with dearie and watched tv till 3.. hahah then slept till just now at about 12.. shiok rest man!
anyway, so glad to be home. was a great trip tho... but we didnt get a lot of shoppin done.. how very sad for me.. only bought 2 pairs of flipflops sandals, a skirt, a bag and a pen for dearie.. (actually the pen was for me, but since he's complaining that he doesnt have a pressie, im giving it to him... it's a very unique pen, and i actually have one already, just that wanted to buy another one in case the one i have breaks.. so i shd give it to vin la..hehe)
hmm i may sound like i bought a lot of things, but really, i didnt.. was so sad.. cos we only had like a few hours in total to shop!! all in all i think we had about 5 hours to shop? out of THREE days! damn.. hheh. but well, i did buy something, so i shall shudup. hehe.. but we didnt go those night markets thingie! haiz i lurve those night markets! haha cos can discount here discount there.. hahah if shopping is my top fave hobby (cos i actually think sleeping is my first. hahaha...), bargaining is 2nd on the list! hahha but well, sadly we didnt go the night markets. bleh.
first day (sunday 13 jun '04) - surprisingly, rainy day, in bangkok that is.
woke up at 10am plus, prep to leave and everything (with a lot of rushing from my parents, they just have to spoil my happy mood. bleh)... reached singapore airport at about 1115am.. (we HAD to be there at 11am, and now we were late! bah).. checked in and everything, then we went into the transit area to slowly slowly slowly walk to the gate where we were supposed to go.. and we boarded the plane at about 1pm and we flew!!! hahah
the flight was horrendouS!!! lotsa turbulence and since i was trying to watch a movie on krisworld, i felt like puking within half hr into the show!!! and so i stopped, till i felt better and started to watch again! hahha cos the show was quite funny.. erm show's name was "Someone Like You"...
reached bangkok at about 4pm sg time. then we were sent to the hotel in a coach.. and since the traffic of bangkok is well known in the world, it took us about 2 hrs to reach the place.. we arranged to have a minibus to fetch us at 6pm bkk time. which meant we had an hour (the time diff is an hour. sg faster) to shower or change or watever we wanna do, then go lobby to wait for the mini bus (there were 11 of us, so it'll be easier to hv our own transport, rather than taking taxi or tuk tuks).
so we prep and everything and boarded the bus at 6pm bkk time. went to chinatown to eat.. after eating, we were contemplating the possibility of the rain stopping so we could go to this four-faced buddha that we go since i was young.. we decided that it wouldnt stop anytime soon, so we went shopping at MBK.. ( i think its mah boon kong or smth like that)..
then after shopping, we went to the four faced buddha.. this place rocks! erm as in u pray there, it does come true.. tht kinda thng. so i lurve going there.. really, even if i pray for very common thing, i still like gng.. so we went there on sunday evening, and when we reached it started to rain again (the rain stopped when we were leaving MBK).. so we prayed in the rain.. was actually quite a nice feeling.. :) so we prayed..
after that we went back to the hotel and took out showers.. then we prep to go MASSAGE!!! so shioK!! was a two hour massage.. very nice lor.. shiokk... i keep drifting off to sleep and back during the massage.. heheh then my cousin, Haohao (his pict is on my pic gallery for this trip) went for the massage also.. haha and he was giggling throughout the whole massage! haha damn funny! cos we shared a massage room, mi him my parents, cos they were worried about him in a single room, hahah scared he kena raped (he's only 15years old).. haha so the four of us shared a room.. but our massage beds separated by curtains.. and he kept laughing cos he found the massage very ticklish.. so for the first hour, we only hear him laughing.. but in the 2nd hour, cos he's used to it already, so he started to enjoy it la.. as for me, it was damn shiok.. but i feel for the masseuse.. cos she had to massage for 2 hrs straight! haiz anyway, i enjoyed the massage..
after the massage, all of us went to the 7-11 near our hotel and had cup noodles, hotdogs and other food.. shiok.. i took my cup noodles to slowly enjoy in the hotel room..shiok! hahah that's enjoying life! hehe after eating, me and Hao watched soccer.. France vs England.. so xciting! but i only watched till half time, which effectively means i missed the zidane penalty and the zidane goal, all in the 90th min.. bleh.. i was supporting england.. hehe.. but i was woken up by my cousin's shouts! hahah he was so happy, cos he likes france.. haha.. hmm so that's the end of my first day (and night)..
day 2 (saturday 14 jun 04) - still, rainy day.. but mostly cloudy too.
that day was a half day tour day.. so we had to wake up at 8am sg time.. which we did, hahah, but with a lot of snoozing.. hehe finally, we woke up at 810am.. went for breakfast and off we went! to the half day tour of bangkok! it was boring, cos we went to the places before... but was a bit fun, only cos i was playing the whole day with my little cousin.. she's 7 years old, and extremely adorable! heheh.. so we went to the floating market and this cheng-an temple or somthing.. it's for this particular emperor who saved bangkok from laos or smth.. hahah not that i really cared..
oh and also, we were in the same grp as this actor guy in mediacorp.. erm his name is chen tianwen.. then my that 7 yr old cousin kept saying that it's shaoqi.. haha cos in the 9pm show (the one with zoe tay and edmund chen..) he acted as shaoqi.. hahah then my cousin damn funny, kept looking at him and all.. haha
but near the flosting market, there was this part of the river that has a lot of a particular type of fish and we could buy bread and feed them.. was damn fun, cos we bought like 20 very long loaves of bread and fed them,.. i mean, i've been there, but it's always fun.. and we saw the vry special white fish.. erm same breed, just that it's all white instead of black pr grey or watever the color is.. it's in the pic gallery, check it out! and look out for the white fish in the pict!!! hehe.. anyway the white fish is said to bring good luck la. so if u feed it the bread, and it eats it, it means u will be very lucky.. just saying only.. i think it ate my mum's bread, my dad's bread and i think also my auntie's bread.. hahah so they're lucky eh? haha
after the floating market thingie, we went to the sam MBK to shop again.. but this time for only 45 mins.. hahah but i managed to get 2 pairs of flipflop sandals and took two very pretty printies... i lurve these prints from bangkok.. their neo print machines are very different from those in sg.. they actually have people tending the machines. and they use computers to do the neoprints. meaning they use webcam to take the picts and use high quality printers to print.. then they use the plastic covers to laminate.. all in all, very pretty.. and we can take as many takes as we like and print as many of the same ones as we wan.. and the different takes, we can use different background colours.. man these neo prints machines, they ROCK!
anyway, after the limited shopping time, we went back to the hotel and prep to leave to pray and go this particular special temple and go chinatown to the same restaurant to eat again... we prep and went to the lobby to wait for the 2nd half of our grp (my bro in law, his parents and his sis and her hubby) to reach, they had arrived in bkk a day later than us.. and thus we had to wait for them to join us for the evening's activities..
so when everyone was here, we went ahead to the special temple.. now, this temple, it's not just for praying.. it's a temple which offers a very special "service", so to speak.. people go there to buy coffins, for the dead whose family cant afford a proper burial or who dont have any family or whatever that makes them unable to have a proper burial.. so in the temple, there is this counter that allows people to make payments to buy coffins (or some kinda box to contain) for the dead for proper burials. each "coffin" is about 650baht, about S$28.. that includes the proper attire and some other stuff.. or u can let them have a grander burial, erm if im not wrong, a better burial method or something, at $5000baht.. that's about S$210... so my parents, my auntie, and a bunch of other people in the grp went ahead and did the purchase of the coffins for the dead.. it's quite interesting la, i think, this temple.. so ya.. after that we went for dinner at the same place as the first evening....
haiz at dinner, cos the driver of the minibus was out with us since 5pm bkk time, he didnt have his dinner, so my dad gave him some money to buy dinner for himself.. while we had our dinner. and guess what, after dinner, when we went to the place that we set to meet the driver, we realised that the minivan was wheel-locked.. as in the wheel had been clamped, and we couldnt move at all. cos we had planned to go back to the four faced buddha and then go back to the hotel to watch ah gua show, and it was already an hour and 45 mins b4 the show was gonna start, evrryone was worried that we would miss the show.. so more than half the grp went to the temple themselves, or back to the hotel.. leaving me, my parents and my cousin behind to wait for the driver whole he went to pay for the fine in order to get the clamp unlocked.. he was so poor thing, he walked a very long way just to pay the fine.. and my mum was actually damn pissed with him.. haiz tho my mum knows that he had no chioce and didnt say much to him.. anyway, so the problem was solved about 45 mins b4 the ah gua show starts.. and we went to the four faced buddha to fetch the part of the grp that went there and wentback to the hotel, having enough time for me and my cousin to go up to the room to get our jackets...
and the show begins! hahah the ah gua show rocks! i mean, i had seen ah gua (tranvestite) shows before, but they were nv so hot!! u can check out the picts in my gallery.. i mean they are totally hot! but maybe not all of them and maybe not their faces. but their bodies!!! damn i was so jealous.. hahah but hey, then again, i think they quite poor thing.. i mean it's like they've been played a trick by god lor.. obviously they are "meant to be" women (in a way), but they are trapped in a man's body! they are so much more feminine than i am, mind u.. haiz then like so poor thing.. and even when they go thru so much procedure and everything, they still cant deny the fact that they ARE, still, men.. haiz.. anyway, the picts are in the gallery.. check it out ya..
anyway, after the show was packing time.. hahah cos my parents had actually wanted to bring my bro in law and his family to massage one, so me and haohao stayed in the hotel packing.. hahah but turns out, the massage house was closed.. hhah .. anyway, so we did our packing while eating cup noodles (again!! hahah im telling u, the cup noodles there is fantabulouStic!).. but i didnt really get anything done.. was fooling around with my camera.. hahah fiddling with it and taking lame picts (like this one.. ) so ya.. after the shower then i packed properly.. put everything in and everything packed then went to bed after watching the first half of the sweden bulgaria match (which i found out in the morning, in the 2nd half, 4 goals were scored by sweden, pushing the score to 5-0!!!)..
3rd day (aka last day) -- erm didnt stay there long enough to noe how was the weather.. haha
wakie at 9 plus sing time.. put the last of my stuff (my pjs and towels)into the luggage and went down for breakfast.. heheh then after that, went back up to take the luggages to the lobby.. hahah after which i managed to sneak out of the hotel with haohao to make a quick call to my dearie.. hehe cost me $100baht, about S$4.2.. for a 3-4 mins call.. bleh.. hehe then off to the airport we went!!!
at the airport, we realised that stupid tour guide woman told us the wrong time, and we had to wiat 2 hrs, instead of the one hr that we had thought.. so anyway, we went into the transit area and my auntie, parents and this friend of my mum started to play mahjong!! hah but not those tiles one! haha it's those card mj.. quite cool la.. but man their rates are high! anyway, in the bit of an hour they played, my mum won S$70.. but then again i think my mum was quite lucky..
hehe and guess what, in the hour that they played the mahjong, i was missing for about 10 mins.. hehe cos i went to call my dearie!! hhahah used up the last of the $200 baht in the phone card that i bought (which was $300 baht)... so ya.. quite nice la..
at 1320hrs bkk time, we flew.. from bkk to sg!! yeah home sweet home!! and on the plane, before we even took off, i fell asleep already! haha damn tired la.. cos didnt really sleep alot on the whole trip.. bleh.. conked out immediately!! haha then woke up for lunch.. and a little bit of friends on the plane then tada! im in singapore! haah went straight home and had a great rest...
well, that's the whole of my trip.. hahah damn long.. sorry arh, bery loh soh.. bleh.. hehe k then hope u enjoyed my trip in bangkok! hehe
what i realised in this trip: mi miss dearie lots!!! hahah dun think i can do without him man! hahah but im serious.. was very glad to reach singapore, cos i was so much nearer him!!! he was the first i msged!! hahah
okie then. signing off!!! byeeee~!
***i am much nearer to deardear now!***
a very long entry about a very short trip -
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