Friday, June 11, 2004
-*- C & C & C (for comfort...)
wahahah im at C&C.. cycle & carriage.. brought the lancer here for servicing.. haha cos it has hit the 7000 mileage.. llalala... not that i really understand the need for servicing.. hahah as in i noe that it needs to be checked if everything is fine and everything.. but just that we just did the check abt 5000km ago.. hahah so ya.. aiya dun care, as long as it allows me to come here and be comfy!it's soooooo comfy here! like u cant guess, they have a computer here... two actually... but i wun need both would i.. hahah and there's wireless internet access available!! whee... so shiok.. it's like at home.. erm but maybe a little less privacy ( alot less more like it..)! hahah but damn shiok for a service centre! hahah but then again i think all service centres have these things.. hahah like a coffee machine that dispenses a lot of drinks, many comfy seats, tables, mags, newspapers, tv, etc etc... haahahah but it's soooooooo shiok! *enjoying the comfort at C&C!*
hahaha and u noe what's the best thing? im the youngest person here!!! haha as if im so young and i have a car.. haha but then again, if people think i own the car, they'll probably noe that my parents bought it.. hahahha i mean come on, i look so young! hahahahha lalala.. and pretty ! hahah :P *enjoying my hot and extremely sweet milo*
hahah actually im not waiting for the car to be ready. im waiting for my parents to come and fetch me.. muahahaha im such a bum! hahaha cos we're going to watch a movie! hahah so cute right.. we nv watch movies anymore.. haha we buy vcds.. cos my dad doesnt like watching movies.. cos my dad's legs are too long.. hahah then he'll be very uncomforatable when in the theatres! hahah aso lame.. *oopz, i finish my milo liao!! BOOHOO*
anyway, we are going to watch the jack neo movie.. the mandarin movie.. tu ran fan cai.. haha seems like my family all liked it.. as in my cousins and my aunties.. so they kept asking my mum to watch it.. so my dad asked me if i wanna watch with them.. hahha so cute eh? :D
lalalal i think it's gonna be a looooong wait.. hahah cos my parents werent ready yet when i left the house.. which was half hr ago.. hahah so ya.. wah i think ill miss bringing the car to servicing! haha the next time will be a long time after.. erm, now the mileage is 7500km plus.. next time it's 10k more.. which means about 17500.. hahah so looong time later liao.. hahahah so that's at least half a yr or more later.. hmm the last time i came for servicing (erm the car came for servicing) was sometime in mar or april i think.. so ya.. that was the 2000 km mark.. hahah cos my parents use the car ma.. so it's quite fast.. as in the clocking of mileage is faster than if i drive it.. so ya.. *hmm suddenly very conscious about blogging here hahah* anyway, so hope that my parents will drive more.. hahah so i can come! hahaha i like this place.. haha hmm i think the civic needs to go for servicing soon too.. hahah maybe honda has the same service.. probably does.. haiz.. cant believe it only took me 20 mins to come up with so much crap.. hahah usu it takes a long while b4 i can post.. wah i think now i dunno wat to do man... *gonna get another milo... wahahhaah*
hahah i wonder if i look like im doing something very important.. hahah like work or something.. hahah but i doubt la.. the stupid blogger posting layout so cartoonie.. lame.. it's uglified looking.. *catches a little bit of tv, bend it like beckham is gona be shown on tv! hmm and braveheart also? hahah that show is old.. bleh. vin loves it i think.. hahah* anyway, i cant stand jean danker & sheik haikel.. erm i think they are gonna host (i think) a variety show together or something.. crap.. i cant stand the big and flat face of jean danker and her act cute voice.. come on man, she's like so disgusting then she act all pretty and bitchy,.. hmm i dun like.. and that sheik? if he didnt sing the stupid lah song, i wouldnt dislike him so much.. and it's so unfair that he gets such a pretty wife!!! *hmm are they still together?* she's like sooo hot lor.. and he's like so not.. blegh.. *disgust* ( hmm i think it's more dislike than disgust la.. hahah but same diff! blah)
WHHEEEE my parents are here!!! hahaha gonna be greedy and get myself another milo and GO!! hahahahha meheheheh ya im getting the milo for my dad la *cheat cheat lie lie* hahahah bleh.. okie then, that's all for now! hahah glad to be blogging.. if not i wouldnt noe what to do! hahah that was a full half hour.. hahahha lalalal.. full-half.. ? hmm hahha lalal. okie then.. gone!
***i am sooooo pampered at C&C!***
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