Saturday, May 22, 2004
-*- hi my new handphone! and -sobz- bye my old darling...
i've got a new hp!!! wheehee!!! hehe it's nokia 3120... i think it came out rather recently.. but not many people will think of buying the phone cos it's almost exactly the same as 3100.. just that the resolution is a teeny bit better..
Picture is taken from Nokia Official Website
hehe.. but dearie bought it last week.. so i decided to buy the same handphone as him.. ;p we used to have the same 3310 last time when we started together also.. hehe.. so now we are back to having the same phone again.. hehe.. but now it's a 3120! this model is quite cool la.. as in it may not have many cool cool features.. but it's cool enough.. the poly tones (i mean, seriously, every phone now has it...), the mms (another duh feature..), the wallpaper (duh.) and the usual "matrix color display" (to quote the nokia website) phone... the color display and all la...
oh, and it's not too big.. abt the size of my 6610... ;p and yesh dear, it's MINE!!! muahahah.. heheh... anyway, i lurve my new phone la.. so hangpeeee!!! heheh...
but at the same time, im quite sad.. cos i have to give up my 8310.. it's been thru thick and thin with me lor.. seriously!!! it's been with me since, like, J1.. so it's been wat, 3 yrs? hmm wait i think it's J2.. hahah but that's also 2 yrs lor!!! that's a lot leh! haiz plus it was a gift from deardear.. was soooooo happy to have gotten it! haiz and now im deserting it.. i tink it must be feeling very sad.. *sayang the 8310* haiz i think im being over emotional now.. but i nv thought to gv up that phone u noe... *long and sad sigh*
anyway, it has served me well! so here's to the best handphone that i've ever had... *raises a glass of erm.. plain water* hhaha... here, a pict of my dear N8310.... check out the groovy operator logo.. i made it myself.. it's been with me forever! now i also have to say bye to it.. booohhooooo -wails loudly-

i miss it already... :(
bye dear 8310... i lurve u... :(
***i am closest to crying that anyone with a new handphone can get!***
hi my new handphone! and -sobz- bye my old darling... -
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