Thursday, June 03, 2004
-*- a flirt or not a flirt? well, a definite beauty....

You Are Flirt-able!
You are the best of both worlds - sexy and friendly, but not in either box.Your charm is addicting, and you always have plenty of people flirting with you.
And if you want to turn things up, that's always an option for you.
You have plenty of options - without being the person everyone has already done :-)
Are You F***able?
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hmmm really? hahah i dun think i get people flirting with me la.. hahah not that i mind.. hehe.. im fine with just being with friends and pals i guess.. ;p and i have a dearie who flirts!!! hahah *joking* ahem secret joke btween dearie and i.. bleh.. not that it's not obvious.. hahahha lalalla.. but i dun flirt so ya.. hehe

You are a SUBTLE Flirt!
This is the female equivalent of "the strong and silent type."Or, the whole "still waters run deep" thing.
And that makes you dangerous. Oh, yes…dangerous.
You lull men (and competitive women) into a false sense of security.
By appearing nonthreatening, quiet and unassuming, you can strike at the right moment, when no one's expecting it.
It's a method that's tried and true over the ages and it works wonders for you.
So go on, with your sneaky self, Ms. Covert Ops.
What Kind of Flirt Are *You*?
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okie once again, i dun flirt.. heheh. but well, apparently, sometimes, i am a subtle flirt? wahahah i think all my friends reading this will be thinking "what the hell? this girl? flirt?!?!? *HUH????*" hahahah so lame lor.. bleh

Your Sign Is: Slippery When Wet
You're hot and sensual, and not exactly shy about itYou show off your assets constantly, and take whatever comes from it
"Work it" is a concept you've perfected, and you're the sexiest person everyone knows
You're shameless in how far you are willing to flirt... often with messy consequences
What's Your Street Sign?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
waahahha i think the slign rocks! hahah how true it is doesnt matter.. the sexual connotation is SUPER!!! wahahhaah rocks!

You Are a Natural Beauty!
You're the kind of beauty that every guy dreams about...One that looks good in the morning - without a stich of makeup
That's doesn't mean you're a total hippie chic though
You have style, but for you, style is effortless
What Type of Beauty Are You? Take This Quiz :-)
Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.
alright! hahah erm ya i guess cos i dont put make up .. so the only kind of beauty will be natural.. duh! hahaha but ya, i like myself as i am.. no need for make up.. haahha i suck at putting makeup anyway.. bleh. but hey, the woman is PRETTY! heheh i dun mind looking like her.. heheh but i dun la.. bleh.
***i am so not a flirt but still quite a *ahem* beauty!!!***
a flirt or not a flirt? well, a definite beauty.... -
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