Thursday, June 03, 2004
-*- youngest, lousiest and most useless...
im the youngest child of my mum, apparently, also the lousiest, the most useless, and the one that they shdnt have given birth to.im being unfairly treated! y am i the one the accompanies my parents the most and the one that gets shit from them the most???? why? why? why? just because i dont wanna go damn malaysia this ONCE (and with reason), she declared a war on me, refused to tok to me, refused to even sit on the bed im on, refused to look at me, refused to acknowledge my presence?
wat the hell? my own mum! angry with me and do these to me, just cos i said im not going with them to malaysia this ONCE! dammit, how many times have all my friends heard me saying i go malaysia with my parents??? lemme tell u, once last week, and at least once the week before last, and once in the week before!!! EVERY DAMN week im going malaysia! is it FUCKING wrong that i refused this time? i shd nv have agreed! once or twice was fine, and fun.. but EVERY DAMN WEEK!!!! and people know how much i dont really like malaysia... the dirt the dust and the people.. i mean im not being mean, but the people there aint the nicest people in the world!
now my mum so badly wants me to go there and become like them! wat the hell! and they scolded me for speaking like them! (note: they scold me for every-damn thing!) argh! y? y? y? y am i so unfairly treated? i dont see them being so mean to my sis! i dont see them scolding them for the slightest little thing! i dont see them scolding my sis for going out with her bf... whom btw, we TOTALLY dont know how he looks like... we dont even noe what he does, his age. and all.. all we noe is that she goes out late at nite and goes out in his car, a black merc... and i noe more dark secrets. but i shant disclose..
but i digress... why? why? why are parents parentS? y cant they be more caring (eh look i noe they care for me a damn lot, but y cant they show it more?) and be less domineering (they definitely are.. they force me to go home in the middle of my stuff for the slightest reason, and when i get home, i get scolded)? y cant they be more loving? show me that they support me? y? y do they have to scold me for nothing? y do they get angry with me ALL the time, and act like we are very loving at other times?
and more than that, when they knew that vin and i quarrelled (ya we do quarrel, despite the rumour and romantic ideals that we dont.. ;p) they werent too supportive.. she ignored the fact that i needed to sleep and played games on my com, right next to my bed.. and TOTALLY didnt care abt my feelings.. now what's that all about? have u seen a mum like that? and when they found out that we're fine (vin and i) they said we very wat, sometimes so close sometimes quarrel (note: that was the first time they noe that we quarrel and we're ALWAYS very close)... what a great supportive pair of parents right?
my dad also another one.. i noe he's not unhappy with me about today.. or at least he tried not to show.. i think he is but since my mum was soooo showing her unhappiness, i think he didnt wana make me sad by being unhappy as well.. but all the other times, he always scolds me for littlest thing also.. haiz for not putting things back in place, for not buying the things he told me to buy, for not coming home on time (yes, the 20 damn year old woman has a damnin curfew of 12mn), for going vin's place too often, for going out too often, for not finding a job, for practically everything. haiz my life is so sad...
i mean, it's sooo great when we all have fun time together.. but y do they have to turn monstrous when i do my own stuff once or twice? when i refuse their offer? i mean it's not like they told me a day or two ago, that i MUST go malaysia with them, and i MUSTNT have any plans for today.. last nite i was just toking to them and they didnt say anything! y cant i make plans for myself?
haiz just cos their offday is today means i MUST not make planes and i MUST sit around and wait for them to think of where they wanna go, and what they wanna do and what they wanna force me to do and where they wanna force me to go? haiz.. this sux...
anyway, according to reliable source of info (my cousin, who went with them with her bro, who knew about this whole damn thing, who was informed and didnt make plans..), they are reaching malaysia.. haiz and they may be staying at our apartment inside.. so ya.. *hope that they stay there* haiz if they stay there means i wont have to face them till tmr.. when her anger would have simmered down.. *pray and pray*
***i am youngest, lousiest, and most useless!***
youngest, lousiest and most useless... -
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