Saturday, April 17, 2004
-*- Some Updates...
Just some updates for frequent bloggy readers of mine......ehm i have added a new section!!! wahhahah by now everyone should noe how much i lurrrrrve doing quizzes.. and so, to give them more credits than that in my entries, i have put a link to them (is that illegal??? aiya dun care...)
erm oh! and i wanna put links to some games.. wahhaha but i realise i only play on my com, not on the net.... so there's only one game that i used to lurrrrve.. the UFO game... wahhaah it's a silly lame game... but fun still...
ehm another game is the lame millionaire game lor.. hahah i loved to play it.. but i noe most of the answers liao, so i stopped playing... but it's fun nonetheless..
hahah so go check the links out! ehm if anyone has any fun games u all must tell me! so i can try it out and put it up on my new section!! hahaha
lastly, notice a little change in my "Bloggies I Love"? hahah yeap, my deardear has joined me in the bloggin world! hahah to think i found blogging lame in the past.... i bet he is now going thru that phase... but soon, he's gonna start loving it! hahah as i do now! yeap go check out his bloggy k? erm though there's nothing much now.. hahah but i do lurve his blogskin.. rox! hehz....
okie then! that's all....
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