Sunday, February 15, 2004
-*- Happy Belated V-Day to ALL!!!!
wheee heee!!! another excitin in my life!!! there was the CNY, the anniversary, my birthday chalet (hmm i dun think i wrote anything about that......) and now, V-day!!! hahahahyeah actually me n my dearie doesnt really care much about valentine's day.. just a very common day to us, cos everyday is valentine's day for us!!!! hee.. as corny as that sounds, i do feel that way sometimes... hehe..
yeah anyway, yesterday was planned properly since i think mon? or maybe tues? or wed? dun really remembered.. but we had planned to spend it as a double date thing with bai n lay!!! hehe they only just got together a week or two ago!! it's so exciting.. n i think it was their first date yesterday! hahah too bad vin and i were there eh?? hahah but i think before we met up they did go out and all (erm we only met in the evening)....
hmm so the day started with me going out to parkway to buy dearie his present... i couldnt get it on fri, when i went bugis... the stupid kinokuniya there didnt have the book... (erm it's "Naked Empire" by Terry Goodkind) so i had to go parkway to get it.. cos i was very sure that parkway has it... so i went there to get it..
haha but by the time i could get my ass out of the house and go to parkway, it was way past the time we were supposed to meet... so as a way of apology, i bought him lunch.. hehe mee siam and nachos for the 2 of us to share.. was great... oh and i also bought his mum a big tub of karmelkorn!!! cos she loves it, and he has nv gotten around to buy it for her.... so i bought it for her (and she really liked it)....
after eating and watching several episodes of spin city, i painted my nails and he played his game and all.. then at 1840 thereabouts, we headed out to mhmd sultan to meet bai-lay and to have our dinner at sketches..
we reached at about 730... right on time.. we ordered out food (or as they'll put it, we "designed" our food) and started chatting.. heheh felt as if it's just four friends hanging out..
after dinner was movies, we watched ALONG CAME POLLY!!! so lamely funny and lame! hhah..... but i think jennifer anniston is sooooooooo chio!! and she has such a good body!! *jealous* after the dinner, we went cosy bay to just sut and slack.. with a 3rd couple.. koon-fen.. hehe was quite fun.. it's like we're 6 friends and 3 couples at the same time! took sooo many pictures,, hahah that lame lay la... hahah after drinking and all, we just went to sat at the waterfront there... erm outside the indoor stadium.. it felt so great to just sit down there and sing and talk and kiss... heheh... yeah i guess all of us were either used to having one another around or we were so affected by the v-day mood that we were quite comfy with showing our affections... so yeah....
haiz.. after that it was time to go.. i tink lay went bai place and either fen went koon place or koon wnet fen plae or they went own homes... but vin came my place... so sweet of him, he actually volunteered to come my place sleep... hehe..
yeah that was my v-day...... so shiok right???
heh on another note: today is gonna be another fun day!! i had mac breakfast and im now at his place gonna take a nap while waiting for our mj kakis to arrive and start playing mahjong! so exciting!! ahahha and at night, we're going to plaza parkroyal hotel to eat!! my parents wanna bring the family out for a yummas dinner for my birthday and today was their free day.. so yea!!
heehee looking forward to today's activities!!!
***Life without Love is like a harp without strings***
and happy VALENTINE'S day to all!!!!
Happy Belated V-Day to ALL!!!! -
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