Thursday, February 12, 2004
-*- Lame Quiz as a Lame Entry
NAME: Ah Zi, Zee, Zizi, most importantly, JiaziDO YOU THINK YOU'RE NORMAL: i guess.. hahah im a normal girl with normal silly fantasies. that's normal right???
DO PEOPLE FIND YOU STRANGE: guess not, erm hope not.. different i dun mind.. but strange is negative... dun wan! heh
DO YOU BELIEVE IN GOD: nah. not into religions or anything. believe in myself.
DO YOU SIN A LOT: sin.. erm yeah like humans do.
DO YOU BACKSTAB: rarely. i can be a bitch sometimes, but backstabbing is the lowest anyone can go. n we all noe who does that.....
ARE YOU A GOOD FRIEND: i hope i am. i try my best. try to listen to my frens' woes n all. i think im a not-so-bad friend.
ARE YOU IN LOVE: Yippee Yiippe Yiip!!!
ARE YOU YOUNG: im young! hahah (to zen:) 20 is not that old!
EVER BEEN A LEADER OF SOMETHING: hahahha erm peer leader? i love to lead. hahaah im a leading freak! =p
EVER KILLED A LIVING CREATURE: hmmm yeah duh.. all the disgusting mossies! argh! erm and i accidentally kill several beetles? those black black very scarie ones.. ooh! n snails... haiz i feel bad about them... imagine... im walking down the street, walking walking, walking, walking, *STOMP!* *SPLAT!* Im DEAD.........
LAST ODD THING DONE: this. hahah i shd be in bed. i slept TWO hours today.. haiz but i cant sleep.. so odd thing is this! hahahah omg, im lame,.... i think it's the lack of sleep......
DO YOU WEAR MAKE-UP: i like the natural pimple-ful me!
DO YOU REBEL: yeah.. but rarely. i think im quite a conformin person. haiz i think that's why my parents are so "GOOD" at taking me "in hand"........ they always bully me!
EVER STARTED A FIRE?: huh bbq?? hahah yeah if it's bbq.. erm quite failure actually.. hey but i tried! erm those arson firE? but of course!!! hahahahah joking....
DO YOU THINK YOU'RE EVIL: a part of me, yes... everyone's evil to a certain extent, big or small, obvious or conspicuous, hidden or shown. truth is i think evil is not that bad. as long as u discover that it's evil... the most scaree evil is when u dun even noe wat you are doing is evil............. make sense???
DO YOU LIKE LYING: no! sucky feeling. but seriously, who doesnt lie.. so i think it's more of "do u mind lying?" than "do u like lying?" la.......
DO YOU REGRET: i shd think so. i think everything a person does, there's a high chance he'll regret... regret not doing it earlier, regret doing it, regret doing it instead of another, regret everything. but the way i see it, the best way to not regret is just to not look back, problem solved!wellllll, unless u know for sure it's something good..
DO YOU HAVE A BESTFRIEND: erm no. dun believe in best fren.
1st of all, who is a better friend than yourself?
2nd. how do u decide man? all friends are the best in their own special way.
3rd. u nv know who you can really trust. sometimes the "bestest" fren can backstab u. or betray u.
cynical? not if u really look at life. that is life.
DO PEOPLE HATE YOU: not surprised if they do. people find me very loud rowdy and noisy. people who loves me find me bubbly, lovable and fun loving. it's all perspective. evryone is hated by someone.
DO YOU HATE PEOPLE: yeah. hahah well, to continue my everyone is hated by someone, everyone hates at least one person. it's the reason that differs.
CAN YOU KILL SOMEBODY: hmmmmmmmmm dun think so. i think im still generally a rather kind person.
DO YOU CUT YOURSELF? no... im not into THAT.... scares the shit out of me to see blood from a cut.......
EVER TASTED BLOOD: yeah. from gum bleeding....
DO YOU CARE WHAT OTHERS MAY THINK OF YOU: yeah i guess... but now better.. i think i only REALLY care about how the people i love think of me... i used to be very affected by others' looks and all.. now, i guess ive grown out of that....
EVER DONE ANYTHING OCCULT: huh dun think so.....
DO YOU SMOKE: eeks no!
CONSUME DRUGS: nope. dun ever intend to.
WHAT DO YOU WEAR: a big smile on my face! i try to wear that everyday.....
YOUR SKIN COLOR: fair i suppose....
DO YOU LIKE THE SUN: must see my mood, place, time, people around me, who i'm with etc etc etc
HAVE YOU LOST SOME ONE YOU LOVE: i guess so far im pretty fortunate... havnt really lost anyone that i truly deeply love.....
HOW DOES GRIEF FEEL: i doubt any word can describe true grief lor. it's too deep a feeling and too strong an emotion to be put into words.. but just noe that u will noe when grief strikes....
YOUR ROLE MODEL: damn. i cant think of anyone!
OUR HEART DESIRES TO BE WITH WHOM: the one for me. he's there. either i've found him, or it seems like him.
YOUR LISTENING TO: hmm a train just passed by.. so yeah. train.. no mp3s playing. im supposed to be sleeping! the lights aint even on!
DO HATE YOURSELF: im rather narcissistic... but sometimes i hate the things i do.. cant stand the way i do things sometimes......
DID THIS QUIZ MAKE SENSE: yeah as much as lalala makes sense to anyone!
** hmm wat was that????*** okie im gonna play my lack of sleep card once more..... i didnt get enough sleep! im allowed to be lame!!! *_*
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