Wednesday, January 04, 2006
-*- Surprise Screening...
On Monday night, just before we went to bed, early I might add, Vin and I decided to catch a movie the following day, which was yesterday lah (duh)... Then he mentioned something about a surprise screening at Plaza Singapura Golden Village.. So I checked it out and it turns out that there's a special screening of a "never-screened-before" movie.. At ONLY $5 per ticket, you can watch a "Surprise Screening" of a certain movie that they do not announce... But they assure movie-goers that the show is a "never before screened" and "family friendly"... Other than that, there wasn't much infomation.. It was just listed as Surprise Screening. Only one show that day, that week, in fact, one show like that thus far.. So we, being cheapskates (and "adventurous" as Vin puts it), decided that we should go ahead and make an internet booking for the show....So on Tuesday evening, at 6 plus, we ta-pao-ed our dinner and excitedly walked into the smallest theatre that GV Plaza has... With much anticipation, which I'm sure everyone was experiencing, we watched the start of the show.. Felt a bit like Pride and Prejudice's start, which got Vin and I worried for just a little bit.. But names started to come up... Kurt Russell, Dakota Fanning, er and the rest I don't know liao.. Wahahahahha... So I was like, hmmmmm Kurt Russell... Sounds like good.... While thinking about RUSSELL CROWE..... Stupid girl....
Aaaaaaanyway, show title FINALLY came up... Show's called Dreamer.... Errrrr, but it can well be called Seabiscuit and I would not have been able to tell the diff... Okay, maybe I would be able to.. But it's the same idea la.. Horse with high hopes injured... Horse healed... Horse meets pseudo-end... And miracle happens... And finally, horse wins... Happy ending... Supposedly based on a true story..... Just like Seabiscuit... Ehm, actually I don't remember much about Seabiscuit... But it seems to be about the same la.. Because I was constantly reminded of the Seabiscuit show when I was watching Dreamer... Just another horse race miracle show... Er, but according to Vin, Seabiscuit was much better... Really don't remember much.. That's why I said, it could well be called Seabiscuit and I won't know the difference.. Hehe.. Mainly because my memory ain't that great, plus I don't know many Hollywood stars... (Considering I can mistake Kurt RUSSELL for RUSSELL Crowe... Quite obvious huh?)
Anyway, $5 only what, can't expect a lot.. But I suppose the show is worth 5 bucks.. But probably no more than that? So ya..
But quite a big copy...
Hehe.. I shall be lame and rate it too!
Upon 5 popcorns, I give it...

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