Monday, January 02, 2006
-*- First blogskin change!
Inspired by my silly boyfriend (who is starting a blog once again, shall update the link after he's done with setting it up), I have decided to change my blogskin! It's quite a bit like my previous one actually.. Cannot help it la, I like pictures like that I guess? Anyway, after hours of modifications, I finally have it up!Well, although it's similar to my previous one, I have decided to add stuff to my "meeeeeee" section.. A small entry about what I like to do, I think.. Usually I don't know what to write, so I didn't bother to put anything.. But now at least I have tried to say some stuff in that section la.. Hehe...
Anyway, I guess I would be sticking to this blogskin for quite a while.. Just like I did with the previous one...
WOW! I just did a check, and my last blogskin change was in Dec 2004!!! Goodness! Hahaha... To think when I just started I was so into blogging I kept changing my blogskins that people actually complained. Hahaha.. Lazy blogger I have become!
Anyway, enjoy the Zee's Blogskin for the Year! Hee..
Okay onto something else...
First of all!!! HAPPEEEE NEW YEAR!!!!!
Hehehe.. Many firsts of the year today (as in 1st Jan 2006).. Duh, since it's the First day of the year...
.Drive @ 12mn (on ECP, driving to jam so that we can see fireworks, with Vin and Lay)
.Kiss @ 12mn (on the car, on ECP, watching fireworks, with a lightbulb in the back seat.. Heh sorry Lay... But you were in the backseat! Haha..)
.Hug @ about 1am (because before that I was driving)
.Supper @ 130am (with a bunch of close friends at home)
.Mackers brekkie @ 5am (very cool lor! I had the first bite of the VERY FIRST Sausage McMuffin with Egg of the Year made in the 24-hour McDonald's in Bedok!)
Hahaha actually my point of the above paragraph was just the first bite of the VERY FIRST Sausage McMuffin with Egg of the Year bit.. Whahahhahaha... Actually I only had the first bite.. Because it was my sister's Sausage McMuffin with egg! Whahahhaha...
Anyway, that's all for the day! Hehehe.. Happpppeeeee New Year Everyone!!!! Have a great 2006! ;)
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