Sunday, December 26, 2004
-*- mi likie..
heheh likie new layout.. very chill-out feel.. relaxed and all..haiz anyway, had meant to put up a loooong post about my china trip, which was fantabuloustically great, and my thai shopping trip... hahah but spent too much time doing up my blog.. cos a lot to change so wanted to get everything settled..
well, a little about the china trip (sorry! cant resist!!!).. it was great.. seriously, i hadnt expect to like it, but i lurved it big time! there was this place where i relly love... it was superbly scenic and all, close to nature and everything! the mountains and waters are like amazing! it's like very soothing feel.. very peaceful and all.. like a little heaven in the mountains.. very assuring and makes u just wanna stand there and absorb watever u can, put everything into memory, and keep it safe there forever.. there are some parts where i even felt goosebumps, i was actually very moved by the view.. very splendid.. i think no words can describe the scenery there, and how dazzled i was.. i just stood there and took in everything and everything.. very romantic even! ;p too bad dearie wasnt there... but i sincerely wouldnt mind going there with him in future.. :p
and there is the hotel i stayed, in the mountains, which was like another part of the heaven! it's amazingly great... the hotel lobby is like a nature area.. erm with trees, waters, swans and whatnot, and is right about the same temp as the outside... which can go as low as -30C? but when i went, the lowest was about -5C in the day and -15C in the night? abouts there.. anyway, the lobby is very pretty.. everything is in a dome.. the hot springs there also in dome one! hehe the hotel is the most luxurious hotel i have ever lived in... actually, it's the most luxurious one that i have ever seen personally.. it's like at least 8 stars compared to the 6-star Ritz in singapore lor! ;p
other than the mountains and waters and the hotel, there was the shopping in the city (Chengdu).. i was surprised by how advanced the place was.. i was seriously expecting some very ulu part of china where pple were this close to wearing ancient costumes.. you noe, the likes of chinese kungfu shows? heheh but seriously, it's a lot more advanced than my whole family thought.. im actually rather impressed.. i even bought this very grooovy and flattering coat from there.. it's sooo gorgeous i couldnt resist it, even though it's like in red.. hahah but i lurrrrve it.. cant wait to go some place where i can wear such a pretty thing (it's for winter.. hhaha)... heh.. maybe next yr go china with my parents again... whahahah i dun mind, as long as i can wear the nice coat! hahah
anyway, to sum up (fine, i noe it was not exactly a short entry.. but i am an ultra long winded person.. i cant help it..), it was a great trip.. the seven days were like a dream.. very lovely and pleasant and even amazing, but short.. heheh but then again, i couldnt bear to be away for too long.. hehe after all, my love was in singapore.. missed him terribly.. and was bad cos i only returned for one day and then left for thai almost the very next day...
but hey, im home and not leaving for anywhere liao.. heheh so i can spend lotsa time with him! heh..
btw, thai shopping wasnt fruitful, but was great.. ;p shall not talk about it... ;p tired and lazy.. ;p
gonna sleep now! hee.. byeeeeeee
*btw, i have sooo many pink bags now!! im mad, lately keep buying bags, and pink ones, no less... ;p*
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